Legislative Update Report No. 2022-13 Le Bulletin d'actualités législatives

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


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Legislation for the period 06/23 to 07/06
Canada Government, Public Sector
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Legislation for the period 06/23 to 07/06

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Federal Government / Gouvernement fédéral

Bills / Projets de loi

House of Commons / Chambre des communes

  Referenced on first reading only
C-29 An Act to provide for the establishment of a national council for reconciliation
C-224 An Act to establish a national framework for the prevention and treatment of cancers linked to firefighting
C-226 An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice
C-228 An Act to amend the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act and the Pension Benefits Standards Act, 1985


Regulations / Règlements

Canada Gazette, Part II,  July 06, 2022:

Canada Small Business Financing Act

SOR/2022-157 Regulations Amending the Canada Small Business Financing Regulations


Canada Student Financial Assistance Act
Apprentice Loans Act

SOR/2022-141 Regulations Amending the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations and the Apprentice Loans Regulations


Canadian Human Rights Act

SOR/2022-150 Regulations Amending and Repealing Certain Regulations Made Under the Canadian Human Rights Act (Miscellaneous Program)


Cannabis Act

SOR/2022-145 Regulations Amending the Cannabis Regulations (Listing Ingredients for Edible Cannabis)


Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999
Environmental Violations Administrative Monetary Penalties Act

SOR/2022-140 Clean Fuel Regulations


Food and Drugs Act

SOR/2022-143 Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations


Export and Import Permits Act

SOR/2022-161 Order Amending the Import Control List


Fisheries Act

SOR/2022-159 Regulations Amending the Metal and Diamond Mining Effluent Regulations


Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994

SOR/2022-147 Regulations Amending the Migratory Birds Regulations, 2022


Food and Drugs Act

SOR/2022-146 Regulations Amending the Natural Health Products Regulations


Criminal Code

SOR/2022-139 Regulations Amending the Pari-Mutuel Betting Supervision Regulations


Patent Act

SOR/2022-162 Regulations Amending the Regulations Amending the Patented Medicines Regulations (Additional Factors and Information Reporting Requirements), No. 5


Privacy Act

SOR/2022-151 Regulations Amending the Privacy Regulations


Safe Food for Canadians Act

SOR/2022-144 Regulations Amending the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations


Special Economic Measures Act

SOR/2022-167 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Belarus) Regulations
SOR/2022-165 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations
SOR/2022-166 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Ukraine) Regulations
SOR/2022-148 Regulations Repealing Certain Regulations Made Under the Special Import Measures Act


Special Import Measures Act
Canadian International Trade Tribunal Act

SOR/2022-160 Regulations Amending the Special Import Measures Regulations and the Canadian International Trade Tribunal Regulations


Proposed Regulations / Projets de règlement

Canada Gazette, Part I,  June 25, 2022:

Canada Shipping Act, 2001

  • Marine Safety Management System Regulations

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992

  • Regulations Amending the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Registration Database)

Canada Gazette, Part I,  July 02, 2022:

Canada Labour Code

  • Regulations Amending the Canada Labour Standards Regulations (Employees Under 18 Years of Age)

Motor Vehicle Safety Act

  • Regulations Amending the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (School Buses)

Railway Safety Act

  • Regulations Amending the Railway Safety Administrative Monetary Penalties Regulations

Proclamations / Proclamations

Orders In Council

Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. 1, SC 2021, c 23

  • Division 17 of Part 4 of Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. 1, which amends Canada Small Business Financing Act, other than subsections 204(2) and (3) and 206(1), which came in force on Royal Assent, in force July 04, 2022 (PC  2022-0816)

Royal Assents / Sanctions royales

June 23, 2022

  • Bill C-14, An Act to amend the Constitution Act, 1867 (electoral representation) — Chapter No.  6
  • Bill S-10, Anishinabek Nation Governance Agreement Act — Chapter No.  9
  • Bill C-19, Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1 — Chapter No.  10
  • Bill C-28, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (self-induced extreme intoxication) — Chapter No.  11

Notices / Avis

Canada Gazette, Part I,  June 25, 2022:

Species At Risk Act

  • Description of Eastern Whip-poor-will critical habitat in the Big Creek National Wildlife Area, the Long Point National Wildlife Area, the Prince Edward Point National Wildlife Area, and the Rideau Bird Sanctuary

Aeronautics Act

  • Interim Order for Civil Aviation Respecting Requirements Related to Vaccination Due to COVID-19, No. 3
  • Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No. 65

Canada Shipping Act, 2001

  • Interim Order for the Protection of the Killer Whale (Orcinus orca) in the Waters of Southern British Columbia, 2022

Canada Gazette, Part I,  July 02, 2022:

Species at Risk Act

  • Description of Bank Swallow critical habitat in the Baie de L'Isle-Verte National Wildlife Area, Big Creek National Wildlife Area, Columbia National Wildlife Area, Îles de Contrecœur National Wildlife Area, Long Point National Wildlife Area, Pointe de l'Est National Wildlife Area, Tintamarre National Wildlife Area, Wellers Bay National Wildlife Area, Black Pond Bird Sanctuary, Bonaventure Island and Percé Rock Bird Sanctuary, Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, L'Isle-Verte Bird Sanctuary, Montmagny Bird Sanctuary, Red Deer Bird Sanctuary, and Saint-Vallier Bird Sanctuary

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality: Physical, Aesthetic and Chemical Characteristics

Canada Marine Act

  • Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority — Supplementary letters patent

Canada Shipping Act, 2001

  • Interim Order Respecting Cruise Ship Restrictions and Vaccination Requirements Due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Commissions / Commissions

Canada Gazette, Part I,  June 25, 2022:

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Appeal — Notice No. HA-2022-007
  • Determination — Engineering (R&D)
  • Ruling — Oil country tubular goods

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Administrative decisions
  • Decisions
  • Notices of consultation
  • Orders
  • Part 1 applications

CUSMA Secretariat

  • Decision — Gypsum board

Canada Gazette, Part I,  July 02, 2022:

Income Tax Act

  • Income Tax Act Revocation of registration of charities [Voluntary, 119268472RR0001]

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Decisions
  • Orders
  • Part 1 applications

Species at Risk Act

  • Description of critical habitat of Bank Swallow in Banff National Park of Canada, Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada, Jasper National Park of Canada, Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Kluane National Park and National Park Reserve of Canada, Kootenay National Park of Canada, Kouchibouguac National Park of Canada, Prince Edward Island National Park of Canada, Rouge National Urban Park of Canada and Wapusk National Park of Canada

Alberta / Alberta

Regulations / Règlements

Alberta Gazette, Part II,  June 30, 2022:

Animal Health Act

Alta Reg 110/2022 Reportable and Notifiable Diseases Amendment Regulation


Court of Queen's Bench Act

Alta Reg 136/2022 Court of Queen's Bench (Various Regulations) Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 137/2022 Court of Queen's Bench (Various Statutes) Amendment Regulation


Electric Utilities Act

Alta Reg 133/2022 Payment in Lieu of Tax (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation


Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

Alta Reg 114/2022 Activities Designation Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 108/2022 Administrative Penalty Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 141/2022 Conservation and Reclamation Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 111/2022 Disclosure of Information (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 107/2022 Environmental Protection and Enhancement (Miscellaneous) Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 113/2022 Potable Water Amendment Regulation
Alta Reg 140/2022 Remediation Amendment Regulation


Financial Innovation Act

Alta Reg 109/2022 Financial Innovation Regulation


Freehold Mineral Rights Tax Act

Alta Reg 134/2022 Freehold Mineral Rights Tax (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation


Geothermal Resource Development Act

Alta Reg 116/2022 Geothermal Resource Development Rules


Health Facilities Act

Alta Reg 120/2022 Health Facilities (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation


Justice of the Peace Act

Alta Reg 138/2022 Justice of the Peace (Streamlining) Amendment Regulation


Mines and Minerals Act

Alta Reg 142/2022 Exploration Amendment Regulation


Oil and Gas Conservation Act

Alta Reg 117/2022 Oil and Gas Conservation Rules Amendment Regulation


Powers of Attorney Act

Alta Reg 146/2022 Remote Signing and Witnessing (Effective Period) Amendment Regulation


Public Health Act

Alta Reg 121/2022 Co-ordinated Home Care Program (Expiry Date Extension) Amendment Regulation


Wills and Succession Act

Alta Reg 145/2022 Remote Signing and Witnessing (Effective Period) Amendment Regulation


Proclamations / Proclamations

Alberta Queen's Printer

Advanced Education Statutes Amendment Act, 2021, SA 2021, c 17

  • Section 1(3) to (5), (7), (10) to (18), (20) and (21), which amend the Post-secondary Learning Act, in force July 20, 2022 (OIC  274/2022)

Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Education Act, SA 2021, c S-7.88

  • Act in force July 20, 2022 (OIC  275/2022)

British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique

Regulations / Règlements

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin June 28, 2022:

Cannabis Control and Licensing Act

BC Reg 144/2022 Amends BC Reg 202/2018 — Cannabis Licensing Regulation


Civil Resolution Tribunal Act

BC Reg 147/2022 Amends BC Regs
232/2018 — Tribunal Small Claims Regulation
233/2018 — Accident Claims Regulation


Court Rules Act

BC Reg 148/2022 Amends BC Reg 168/2009 — Supreme Court Civil Rules
BC Reg 149/2022 Amends BC Regs
168/2009 — Supreme Court Civil Rules
169/2009 — Supreme Court Family Rules


Financial Administration Act

BC Reg 150/2022 Enacts Mountain Caribou Partnership General Remission Regulation (No. 2)


Food and Agricultural Products Classification Act

BC Reg 158/2022 Amends BC Reg 168/2018 — Wines of Marked Quality Regulation


Hydro and Power Authority Act

BC Reg 152/2022 Enacts Hydro and Power Authority Regulation


Income Tax Act

BC Reg 153/2022 Enacts Clean Buildings Tax Credit Regulation


Insurance (Vehicle) Act

BC Reg 147/2022 Amends BC Reg 447/83 — Insurance (Vehicle) Regulation


Mineral Tenure Act

BC Reg 146/2022 Amends BC Regs
71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
271/2007 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral or Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation


Provincial Sales Tax Act

BC Reg 154/2022 Amends BC Regs
96/2013 — Provincial Sales Tax Regulation
97/2013 — Provincial Sales Tax Exemption and Refund Regulation


Safety Standards Act

BC Reg 145/2022 Amends BC Reg 103/2004 — Gas Safety Regulation


Utilities Commission Act

BC Reg 156/2022 Enacts Direction to the British Columbia Utilities Commission Respecting Load Attraction and Low-Carbon Electrification


British Columbia Regulations Bulletin July 5, 2022:

Employment and Assistance Act

BC Reg 159/2022 Amends BC Reg 263/2002 — Employment and Assistance Regulation


Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act

BC Reg 159/2022 Amends BC Reg 265/2002 — Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation


Proclamations / Proclamations

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin June 28, 2022:

Attorney General Statutes Amendment Act, 2022, SBC 2022, c 6

  • Sections 2, 5, 9 and 11 to 14 in force September 1, 2022 (BC Reg 174/2022)

Transportation Amendment Act, 2022, SBC 2022, c 16

  • Act in force June 27, 2022  (BC Reg 155/2022)

Manitoba / Manitoba

Regulations / Règlements

Manitoba Laws - Unconsolidated Regulations

The Scrap Metal Act

Man Reg 72/2022 Scrap Metal Regulation


The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Act

Man Reg 73/2022 Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Regulation
Man Reg 89/2022 Standards of Sound Business Practice Regulation
Man Reg 90/2022 Prudential Standards for Credit Union Central of Manitoba Regulation


The Health System Governance and Accountability Act

Man Reg 80/2022 Health Authorities and Health Regions Regulation
Man Reg 84/2022 Health Authorities (General) Regulation, amendment


The Health Services Insurance Act

Man Reg 81/2022 Manitoba Health Appeal Board Regulation, amendment
Man Reg 82/2022 Sessional Rates for Services Regulation, repeal
Man Reg 85/2022 Hospital Services Insurance and Administration Regulation, amendment
Man Reg 86/2022 Personal Care Services Insurance and Administration Regulation, amendment


Proclamations / Proclamations

Manitoba Laws

The Scrap Metal Act, SM 2022, c 12

The Crown Land Dispositions Act (Various Acts Amended), SM 2021, c 17

The Emergency Medical Response and Stretcher Transportation Amendment Act, SM 2017, c 13

  • Clause 2(a), insofar as it repeals the definitions "air ambulance", "ambulance operator", "grant" and "municipality", clauses 2(b) and (c), sections 3 and 6 to 11, clause 13(1)(c), subsections 13(2) to (4), sections 14 and 15 in force July 1, 2022 (OIC  265/2022)

The Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act, SM 2021, c 24

The Court of Appeal Amendment and Provincial Court Amendment Act, SM 2022, c 11

  • Act, except Part 1, in force July 1, 2022 (OIC  249/2022)
  • Part 1 in force January 1, 2023

New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Attorney General – Acts and Regulations

Provincial Offences Procedure Act

NB Reg  2022-37 NB Reg 91-50, amendment
NB Reg  2022-41 NB Reg 91-50, amendment


Public Health Act

NB Reg  2022-39 Water Circulation Systems Regulation


Cannabis Retailers Licensing Act

NB Reg  2022-40 General Regulation



Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Legislative Counsel – Annual Regulations

Judicature Act

NLR  37/22 Composition of the Supreme Court Regulations


Labour Standards Act

NLR  38/22 Labour Standards Regulations (Amendment)



Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest

Regulations / Règlements

Northwest Territories Gazette, Part II,  June 30, 2022:

Property Assessment and Taxation Act

NWT Reg R-040-2022 Mill Rate Establishment Order (2022)


Western Canada Lottery Act

NWT Reg R-041-2022 Western Canada Lottery Regulations, amendment


Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ècosse

Regulations / Règlements

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II,  July 1, 2022:

Building Code Act

NS Reg 116/2022 Nova Scotia Building Code Regulations — replacement


Petroleum Products Pricing Act

NS Reg 113/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 117/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 118/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices


Notices / Avis

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part I,  June 29, 2022:

Nova Scotia Civil Procedure Rules

  • Amendment, May 26, 2022
  • Amendment (Rule 7), May 26, 2022

Nunavut / Nunavut

Regulations / Règlements

Nunavut Gazette, Part II,  June 30, 2022:

Property assessment and Taxation Act

Nu Reg 018-2022 Mill Rate Establishment Order, 2022


Liquor Act

Nu Reg 021-2022 Liquor Regulations, amendment


Ontario / Ontario

Notices / Avis

Ontario Gazette July 02, 2022:

Ontario Securities Commission

  • OSC Rule 33-508 Extension to Ontario Instrument 33-507 Exemption from Underwriting Conflicts Disclosure Requirements

Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard

  • No entries for this issue

Quebec / Québec


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  29 juin 2022:

Loi sur l'accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur la protection des renseignements personnels
Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels

Décret 1011-2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la diffusion de l'information et sur la protection des renseignements personnels


Code des professions

Décret 1064-2022 Règlement sur les activités professionnelles qui peuvent être exercées par des personnes autres que des hygiénistes dentaires


Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la récupération et la valorisation de produits par les entreprises

Décret 1211-2022 Corrections au texte français et au texte anglais du Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la récupération et la valorisation de produits par les entreprises


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  6 juillet 2022:

Loi concernant le partage de certains renseignements de santé

Décret 1160-2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement d'application de la loi concernant le partage de certains renseignements de santé


Code des professions

Décret 1203-2022 Règlement sur les activités professionnelles qui peuvent être exercées par des personnes en voie d'obtenir le permis délivré par l'Ordre des opticiens d'ordonnances du Québec


Code civil du Québec
Loi visant principalement à améliorer l'encadrement du secteur financier, la protection des dépôts d'argent et le régime de fonctionnement des institutions financières

Décret 1213-2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement établissant diverses mesures en matière d'assurance des copropriétés divises


Loi sur les assureurs

Décret 1214-2022 Détermination des frais qui doivent être engagés par l'Autorité des marchés financiers pour l'application de la Loi sur les assureurs et à la charge des assureurs autorisés ainsi que de la quote-part de ces frais qui doit être perçue de chaque assureur pour l'année 2021-2022


Loi sur les institutions de dépôts et la protection des dépôts

Décret 1215-2022 Détermination des frais qui doivent être engagés par l'Autorité des marchés financiers pour l'application de la Loi sur les institutions de dépôts et la protection des dépôts et à la charge des institutions de dépôts autorisées ainsi que de la quote-part de ces frais qui doit être perçue de chaque institution de dépôt pour l'année 2021-2022


Loi sur les sociétés de fiducie et les sociétés d'épargne

Décret 1216-2022 Détermination des frais qui doivent être engagés par l'Autorité des marchés financiers pour l'application de la Loi sur les sociétés de fiducie et les sociétés d'épargne et à la charge des sociétés de fiducie autorisées ainsi que de la quote-part de cesfrais qui doit être perçue de chaque société pour l'année 2021-2022


Loi sur les coopératives de services financiers

Décret 1217-2022 Détermination des frais qui doivent être engagés par l'Autorité des marchés financiers pour l'application de la Loi sur les coopératives de services financiers et à la charge des fédérations et des caisses qui ne sont pas membres d'une fédération ainsi que du montant minimum pour chaque caisse membre et non-membre exigible pour l'année 2021-2022


Loi sur le ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

Décret 1242-2022 Programme relatif à certains services fournis par les hygiénistes dentaires


Loi sur l'hébergement touristique

Décret 1252-2022 Règlement sur l'hébergement touristique


Loi sur le ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs
Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement
Loi modifiant principalement la Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement en matière de consigne et de collecte sélective
Loi visant principalement à renforcer l'application des lois en matière d'environnement et de sécurité des barrages, à assurer une gestion responsable des pesticides et à mettre en œuvre certaines mesures du Plan pour une économie verte 2030 concernant les véhicules zéro émission
Loi sur certaines mesures permettant d'appliquer les lois en matière d'environnement et de sécurité des barrages

Décret 972-2022 Règlement visant l'élaboration, la mise en œuvre et le soutien financier d'un système de consigne de certains contenants (Erratum)



Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  June 29, 2022:

Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information
Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information

OC 1011-2022 Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the distribution of information and the protection of personal information


Professional Code

OC 1064-2022 Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than dental hygienists


Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprises

OC 1211-2022 Corrections to the French and English texts of the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of products by enterprises


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  July 6, 2022:

Act respecting the sharing of certain health information

OC 1160-2022 Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the sharing of certain health information


Professional Code

OC 1203-2022 Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons in the process of obtaining a permit issued by the Ordre des opticiens d'ordonnances du Québec


Civil Code of Québec
Act mainly to improve the regulation of the financial sector, the protection of deposits of money and the operation of financial institutions

OC 1213-2022 Regulation to amend the Regulation to establish various measures in matters of divided co-ownership insurance


Insurers Act

OC 1214-2022 Determination of the costs that must be incurred by the Autorité des marchés financiers for the administration of the Insurers Act and be borne by the authorized insurers, and the contribution for those costs that must be collected from each insurer for 2021-2022


Deposit Institutions and Deposit Protection Act

OC 1215-2022 Determination of the costs that must be incurred by the Autorité des marchés financiers for the administration of the Deposit Institutions and Deposit Protection Act and be borne by the authorized deposit institutions, and the contribution for those costs that must be collected from each deposit institution for 2021-2022


Trust Companies and Savings Companies Act

OC 1216-2022 Determination of the costs that must be incurred by the Autorité des marchés financiers for the administration of the Trust Companies and Savings Companies Act and be borne by authorized trust companies, and the contribution for those costs that must be collected from each company for 2021-2022


Act respecting financial services cooperatives

OC 1217-2022 Determination of the costs that must be incurred by the Autorité des marchés financiers for the administration of the Act respecting financial services cooperatives and be borne by the federations and the credit unions that are not members of a federation, and the minimum amount for each member and non-member credit union exigible for 2021-2022


Act respecting the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux

OC 1242-2022 Program Respecting Certain Services Provided by Dental Hygienists


Tourist Accommodation Act

OC 1252-2022 Tourist Accommodation Regulation


Act respecting the Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs
Environment Quality Act
Act to amend mainly the Environment Quality Act with respect to deposits and selective collection
Act mainly to reinforce the enforcement of environmental and dam safety legislation, to ensure the responsible management of pesticides and to implement certain measures of the 2030 Plan for a Green Economy concerning zero emission vehicles
Act respecting certain measures enabling the enforcement of environmental and dam safety legislation

OC 972-2022 Regulation respecting the development, implementation and financial support of a deposit-refund system for certain containers (Erratum)


Projets de Règlement

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  29 juin 2022:

Loi sur l'accès aux documents des organismes publics et sur la protection des renseignements personnels
Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels dans le secteur privé
Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels

  • Règlement sur les incidents de confidentialité

Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur le financement
  • Règlement sur les pourcentages applicables aux fins de fixer la cotisation des employeurs tenus personnellement au paiement des prestations pour l'année 2023

Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles
Loi sur les accidents du travail

  • Règlement sur la table des indemnités de remplacement du revenu payables en vertu de la Loi sur les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles et des indemnités payables en vertu de la Loi sur les accidents du travail pour l'année 2023

Code de procédure civile

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la médiation des demandes relatives à des petites créances
  • Règlement établissant un projet pilote visant la transformation numérique de l'administration de la justice

Loi sur la santé et la sécurité du travail

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la santé et la sécurité du travail dans les mines

Loi sur les tribunaux judiciaires

  • Règlement modifiant le Tarif judiciaire en matière civile

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  6 juillet 2022:

Loi sur le ministère de la Justic

  • Prolongation de mesures visant à assurer la bonne administration de la justice

Loi sur l'assurance maladie

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement d'application de la Loi sur l'assurance maladie

Loi sur la publicité légale des entreprises

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement d'application de la Loi sur la publicité légale des entreprises

Draft Regulations

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  June 29, 2022:

Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information
Act respecting the protection of personal information in the private sector
Act to modernize legislative provisions as regards the protection of personal information

  • Regulation respecting confidentiality incidents

Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting financing
  • Regulation respecting the applicable percentages for the purposes of levying the assessment on employers personally liable for the payment of benefits for 2023

Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases
Workers' Compensation Act

  • Regulation respecting the table of income replacement indemnities payable under the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases and of indemnities payable under the Workers' Compensation Act for 2023

Code of Civil Procedure

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the mediation of small claims
  • Regulation to establish a pilot project relating to digital transformation of the administration of justice

Act respecting occupational health and safety

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines

Courts of Justice Act

  • Regulation to amend the Tariff of judicial fees in civil matters

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  July 6, 2022:

Act respecting the Ministère de la Justice

  • Extension of measures for ensuring the proper administration of justice

Health Insurance Act

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting application of the Health Insurance Act

Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the application of the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises

Ordres Ministériels

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  29 juin 2022:

Loi sur les impôts

AM 2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement concernant les opérations à divulgation obligatoire — Arrêté du ministre des Finances


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  6 juillet 2022:

Code des professions

AM 2022-002 Montant de la contribution des membres des ordres professionnels pour l'année financière 2023-2024 de l'Office des professions du Québec — Arrêté numéro 2022-002 de la ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur


Ministerial Orders

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  June 29, 2022:

Taxation Act

MO 2022 Regulation to amend the Mandatory Transaction Disclosure Regulation — Order of the Minister of Finance


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  July 6, 2022:

Professional Code

MO 2022-002 Amount of the contribution payable by the members of the professional orders for the 2023-2024 fiscal year of the Office des professions du Québec — Order 2022-002 of the Minister of Higher Education



Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  29 juin 2022:

Loi modifiant la Charte de la langue française, SQ 2002, c 28

  • L'article 1 en vigueur au 1er juin 2023 (Décret 1123-2022)

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2,  6 juillet 2022:

Loi sur l'hébergement touristique, SQ 2021, c 30

  • Que soit fixée au 1er septembre 2022 la date de l'entrée en vigueur des dispositions de la Loi sur l'hébergement touristique (Décret 1251-2022)

Loi visant principalement à améliorer la transparence des entreprises, SQ 2021, c 19

  • Que soit fixée au 29 août 2022 la date d'entrée en vigueur des dispositions du paragraphe 2° de l'article 2 et des articles 7, 23, 24 et 30 de la Loi visant principalement à améliorer la transparence des entrepris (Décret 1266-2022)

Loi visant principalement à mettre fin à la recherche et à la production d'hydrocarbures ainsi qu'au financement public de ces activités, SQ 2022, c 10

  • Que soit fixée au 23 août 2022 la date de l'entrée en vigueur des dispositions de la Loi visant principalement à mettre fin à la recherche et à la production d'hydrocarbures ainsi qu'au financement public de ces activités (2022, chapitre 10), à l'exception de celles entrées en vigueur le 13 avril 2022 (Décret 1313-2022)


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  June 29, 2022:

Act to amend the Charter of the French language, SQ 2002, c 28

  • Section 1 in force June 1, 2023 (OC 1123-2022)

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2,  July 6, 2022:

Tourist Accommodation Act, SQ 2021, c 30

  • Act in force September 1, 2022 (OC 1251-2022)

Act mainly to improve the transparency of enterprises, SQ 2021, c 19

  • Paragraph 2 of section 2 and sections 7, 23, 24 and 30 in force August 29, 2022 (OC 1266-2022)

Act mainly to end petroleum exploration and production and the public financing of those activities, SQ 2022, c 10

  • The provisions of the Act in force August 23, 2022, except those that came into force April 13, 2022 (OC 1313-2022)

Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan

Regulations / Règlements

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part II,  June 24, 2022:

The Emergency Planning Act

RRS E-8.1 Reg 3 The Provincial Disaster Assistance (Supplemental – Spring 2022) Program Regulations


The Coroners Act

Sask Reg 45/2022 The Coroners Amendment Regulations, 2022


The Queen's Bench Act, 1998

Sask Reg 47/2022 The Queen's Bench Amendment Regulations, 2022


Proclamations / Proclamations

Saskatchewan Publications Centre — Cabinet Secretariat

The Inter-jurisdictional Support Orders Amendment Act, 2022, SS 2022, c 14

The Miscellaneous Statutes (Remote Witnessing) Amendment Act, 2022, SS 2022, c 22

The Miscellaneous Statutes (Remote Witnessing) Amendment Act, 2022 (No. 2), SS 2022, c 23

Notices / Avis

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part I,  June 24, 2022:

Rules of Court
Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan

  • Chambers Sittings
  • Court Sittings

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part I,  June 30, 2022:

Rules of Court
Court of Queen's Bench for Saskatchewan

  • General Application Practice Directive No. 11 — Time Limits for Oral Presentation in Chambers
  • Civil Practice Practice Directive No. 6 —  Chambers Appearance Memo

Yukon / Yukon

  • No entries for this issue


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