20 June 2019

Environmental - Waste-To-Energy

On May 2, 2019, Ordinance No. 274 ("Ordinance") was published by the Ministries of the Environment, Mining and Energy and Regional Development,
Brazil Environment

On May 2, 2019, Ordinance No. 274 ("Ordinance") was published by the Ministries of the Environment, Mining and Energy and Regional Development, regulating incineration of urban solid waste for power generation ("Waste-to-Energy").

Among the innovations brought by the Ordinance, we highlight:

  • Specific definition of Energy Recovery Unit ("ERU") as a facility dedicated to the thermal treatment of Solid Waste with recovery of thermal energy generated by combustion;
  • Waste-to-Energy is subject to proof of its technical, environmental and economicfinancial feasibility and to the implementation of a toxic gas emission monitoring program;
  • The following wastes are subject to the Ordinance: urban cleaning waste, domestic waste and non-hazardous waste from commercial establishments;
  • The ERU shall draft a Contingency, Emergency and Decommissioning Plans, as well as define applicable procedures to draft such Plans;
  • define applicable procedures to draft such Plans;

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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