4 October 2011

Employment Updates For 2012

Final day upon which employees can request (by virtue of statute) not to retire on the retirement date intended under the statutory retirement procedure.
United Kingdom International Law

4 January 2012

Final day upon which employees can request (by virtue of statute) not to retire on the retirement date intended under the statutory retirement procedure.

20 January 2012

Second Reading of Adoption (Leave, Pay and Allowance Arrangements Bill) in the House of Commons.

3 February 2012

Second Reading of the Carers and Employment Bill 2010/11 in the House of Commons.

April 2012

The total value of an individual's pension savings which will be subject to favourable tax

treatment (the "Lifetime Allowance") will be reduced from £1.8 million to £1.5 million.  (For

more information on pensions tax relief, please see our previous e- update).

1 October 2012

Under the Pensions Act 2008, a requirement will be enacted for employers to enrol employees on to a pension scheme. This requirement will be introduced gradually to employers.

Employees may opt out of the scheme once enrolled.

Employers will also be required to contribute towards the pension scheme, with a minimum limit being set for contributions. Stakeholder pension requirements will be abolished.

1 October 2012

The Public Interest Disclosure (Prescribed Persons)

(Amendment) Order 2010 will come into force.

5 October 2012

With regard to the statutory retirement procedure, referred to above, this is the last date in which it is possible to retire under this policy.

21 October 2012

Second Reading of Remembrance Day (Bank Holiday) Bill 2010/11 in the House of Commons.

The Government also will be implementing policies in 2012 with a view to obtaining certain objectives.

  1. By March 2012, the Government wishes to - "Analyse consultation responses and developed detailed plans on shared parental leave and the extension of flexible working to all employees". This is in relation to their objective to "extend the right to request flexible working and develop a new system of shared parental leave."
  2. By March 2012, the Government wishes to have the "Frost / Black review of sickness absence underway, publish the Government's response, working with the Department for Work and Pensions."

© MacRoberts 2011


The material contained in this article is of the nature of general comment only and does not give advice on any particular matter. Recipients should not act on the basis of the information in this e-update without taking appropriate professional advice upon their own particular circumstances.

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