3 July 2013

Major Retailers Declared Dominant By The Parliament

Hannes Snellman


Hannes Snellman
The Finnish Parliament has approved a Government Bill which has the effect of imposing a dominant position on two major Finnish retailers, S-group and Kesko.
Finland Antitrust/Competition Law

The Finnish Parliament has approved a Government Bill which has the effect of imposing a dominant position on two major Finnish retailers, S-group and Kesko. The new law will enter into force on 1 January 2014. It does not have retroactive effect.

According to the new Section 4a of the Competition Act, an operator in the Finnish consumer goods retail sector is deemed to hold a dominant market position if its market share exceeds 30 per cent. On current market shares, both S-group and Kesko will hold a dominant position on certain consumer retail markets, including foodstuffs. The presumption of dominance is non-rebuttable. The dominant position applies to both retail and procurement of daily consumer goods.

According to the preparatory works of the Bill, the abuse of the dominant position shall be assessed in light of article TFEU 102. However it has been widely recognized that the applicable EU case law does not cover all the practices raised as potentially abusive. The preparatory works raise as issues that may merit further analysis e.g. the payments for access to shelf space, imposing an unfair imbalance of risk and loyalty card schemes. Consequently, we anticipate that the Competition Authority will provide further guidance to market parties on its interpretation of the new law in the months to come.

We note that certain commentators have suggested that ascribing a dominant position automatically may help foreign firms investing or expanding at the expense of major Finnish firms.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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