28 February 1996

Doing Business In Sweden - Useful Addresses and Telephone Numbers

Ernst & Young


Sweden Accounting and Audit
When telephoning from outside of Sweden, the caller must use the international access number for Sweden, 46, as a prefix.

Accounting Board                            Box 7831
(Bokforingsnamnden)                         S-103 98 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)787 8028

Association of Swedish                      Box 14034
Finance Houses                              104 40 Stockholm
(Finansbolagens Forening)                   Telephone: (8)660 6890

Business and Industry Information Group     Box 1666
(Naringslivets Ekonomifakta AB)             S-111 96 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)762 7050

Central Office of Statistics                Karlav"gen 100
(Statistiska Centralbyran SCB)              S-115 81 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)783 4000

Federation of Swedish Industries            Box 5501
(Industriforbundet)                         S-114 85 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)783 8000

Financial Accounting Standards Council      Box 6417
(Redovisningsradet)                         S-113 82 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)15 18 95

Financial Supervisory Authority             Box 7831
(Finansinspektionen)                        S-103 98 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)787 8000

General Export Association of Sweden        Box 5501
(Sveriges Allmanna Exportforening)          S-114 85 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)783 8039

National Audit Bureau                       Box 45070
(Riksrevisionsverket)                       S-104 30 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)690 4000

National Bank of Sweden                     Brunkebergstorg 11
(Sveriges Riksbank)                         S-103 37 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)787 0000

National Board for Consumer Affairs         Box 503
(Konsumentverket)                           S-162 15 V"llingby
                                            Telephone: (8)759 8300

National Board of Trade                     Birger Jarls torg 5
(Kommerskollegium)                          Box 1209
                                            111 82 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)791 0500

National Institute of Economic Research     Box 3116
(Konjunkturinstitutet)                      S-103 62 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)453 5900

National Labour Market Board                Sundbybergsv"gen 9
(Arbetsmarknadsstyrelsen, AMS)              S-171 99 Solna
                                            Telephone: (8)730 6000

National Social Insurance Board             Adolf Fredriks Kyrkogata 8
(Riksforsakringsverket, RFV)                S-103 51 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)786 9000

National Tax Board                          Tritonv"gen 21
(Riksskatteverket RSV)                      S-171 94 Solna
                                            Telephone: (8)764 8000

Patent and Registration Office              Box 5055
Trade Marks Department                      S-102 42 Stockholm
(Patent-och Registreringsverket)            Telephone: (8)782 2500

Regional Development Fund                   Box 23155
(Almi foretagspartner Stockholm AB)         104 35 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)15 14 00

Registrar of Companies                      S-851 81 Sundsvall
(Patent-och Registreringsverket)            Telephone: (60)18 40 00

Stockholm Stock Exchange                    Box 1256
(Stockholms Fondbors)                       S-111 82 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)613 8800

Supervisory Board of                       c/o National Board of Trade
Public Accountants                          Box 1209
(Revisorsnamnden)                           S-112 82 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)7791 05 00

Swedish Bankers' Association                Box 7603
(Svenska Bankforeningen)                    S-103 94 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)453 4400

Swedish Bar Association                     Box 27321
(Sveriges Advokatsamfund)                   S-102 54 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)459 0300

Swedish Competition Authority               S-103 85 Stockholm
(Konkurrensverket)                          Telephone: (8)700 1600

Swedish Employers' Confederation            S Blasieholmshamnen 4A
(Svenska Arbetsgivareforeningen)            S-103 30 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)762 6000

Swedish Immigration Board                   Box 6113
(Invandrarverket)                           S-600 06 Norrk"ping
                                            Telephone: (11)15 60 00

Swedish Industrial Development              Birger Jarlsgatan 61
Authority, SIDA                             S-105 25 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)728 5100

Swedish Institute                           Box 7434
(Stiftelsen Svenska Institutet)             S-103 91 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)789 2000

Swedish Institute of Authorized Public      Box 6417
Accountants                                 S-113 82 Stockholm
(Foreningen Auktoriserade Revisorer)        Telephone: (8)23 41 30

Swedish National Board for Industrial       S-117 86 Stockholm
and Technical Development (NUTEK)           Telephone: (8)681 9100
(Narings- och teknik utvecklingsverket)

Swedish Trade Council                       Box 5513
(Sveriges Exportrad)                        S-114 85 Stockholm
                                            Telephone: (8)783 8500

The contents of this article are intended as a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought for your specific circumstances.

For further information contact Per Snellman on Tel: +468 613 9000 0r Fax: +468 791 7511; or enter a text search 'Ernst & Young' and 'Business Monitor'.

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