The new assessments and new taxes will be promulgated in January 2025. You can grieve that new assessment which is for the 2026/2027 tax year. We will not know the 2026 and 2027 taxes for 18 months but if you do not grieve the new assessment in January, it is too late to complain when you get your tax bill.
Real estate tax assessments are supposed to reflect a property's market value if for sale without any furniture, equipment, mortgage, etc. However, frequently the assessor's miss the mark and the assessment reflects a higher value. Part of this exaggeration of the market value is due to the ratio of the assessment to market value changing each year.
Even if assessments have not increased or even decreased the taxes you pay probably went up because the tax rates increased and revaluation assessments from 2021 are still being phased in.
Remember to have the current assessment checked now and then the January 2025 assessment checked by an experienced tax certiorari attorney. The bottom line is the assessor is not your friend!
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.