The Regulation Amending the Implementing Regulation on the International Labor Force Law ("Amending Regulation") was published in the Official Gazette dated October 15, 2024, and numbered 32693 and entered into force as of its publication date.
The Amending Regulation includes certain amendments to the Implementation Regulation of the International Labor Law ("Regulation") which was put into force on February 2, 2022.
The important headings in the Amending Regulation are as follows:
- With the Amending Regulation, the term "6 months" in Article 48/1-(h) of the Regulation has been amended as "3 years".
- The phrase "with a visa with a sports certificate" in
Article 48/1-(k) of the Regulation has been abolished and two
subparagraphs have been added to the same paragraph.
- "ş) Those within the scope of Articles 46 and 91 of the Law No. 6458, who are notified by the Ministry of Interior through the system, within the scope and periods specified in the notification,"
- t) Provided that the Republic of Türkiye Directorate of Communications has the appropriate opinion, foreign press members who come within the scope of a permanent press card, during their assignment,"
- Also, Article 49/3 of the Regulation is amended with the phrase "Applications for work permit exemptions to be made from within the country shall be made within the periods when the foreigner is legally present in Türkiye
- In addition, Article 53/1 of the Regulation has been amended as
follows, with additions made to the same article.
- "(1) For foreigners granted work permit exemptions under paragraphs (b) and (c) of the first paragraph of Article 48, no new application can be made under the same exemption for a period of six months from the date the exemption is granted; for other work permit exemptions, this period is twelve months. For foreigners granted work permit exemptions under paragraph (ı), the calendar year is taken into account."
- "(6) Those covered under paragraph (ş) of the first paragraph of Article 48 shall be assessed under the work permit exemption within the scope and duration specified in the notification, with the exception of Articles 49, 50, and 51. For these individuals, only a work permit exemption information form will be issued."
- "(7) The procedures and principles related to the sixth paragraph shall be jointly determined by the Ministry and the Ministry of Interior."
The full text of the Amendment Regulation can be reached through this link. (Only Available in Turkish)
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.