On November 10, 2022, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed the Decree “On measures to simplify state regulation of entrepreneurial activities” No. УП-244 (the “Decree No. УП-244”).
In accordance with the Decree No. УП-244, state regulation of entrepreneurial activity is carried out exclusively through the following tools:
- state registration;
- licensing, permitting and notification procedures for certain types of activities;
- technical regulations;
- tariff and non-tariff regulations;
- obligatory liability insurance;
- state control;
- protection of competition;
- liabilities of business entities and their officials as establishment by law;
- implementation of reports;
- implementation of self-government based on membership (participation) in a self-regulatory organization.
At the same time, it is noted that other instruments for regulating entrepreneurial activity can also be established by laws.
Moreover, the Decree No. УП-244 establishes that starting from January 1, 2023, the following requirements are cancelled:
- written notification of creditors and announcement of this when making a decision to reduce the authorized capital;
- sale of new imported cars only by legal entities - official dealers;
- suspension of electricity supply to legal entities that have consumed in excess of the specified volumes;
- separate registration with the state tax authorities of employees hired by an individual entrepreneur.
In addition, the Decree No. УП-244 establishes a procedure according to which, from March 1, 2023, taxpayers are given the right to appeal some decisions directly in court, legal entities are allowed to provide commercial services through the Unified Portal of Interactive Public Services, and it is also prohibited to fulfill orders based on direct contracts for government procurement and direct contracts between the ministry and its affiliate, one of which is over 3 500 basic calculation value (BCV) (approximately USD 9 000).
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.