Welcome to the latest edition of RCR update summarising what we think are the more interesting recent legal developments in restructuring and corporate recovery.
Special administrators of investment firm authorised to extinguish the claims of unresponsive clients
Emilie Delacave discusses the English court's decision in Re Pritchard Stockbrokers Ltd.
Centre of main interests: living in London is not enough
Leopold Bauer discusses a recent judgement relating to an individual's centre of main interests.
Modernisation of bankruptcy and restructuring in Poland
Sylwester Żydowicz comments on the modernisation of bankruptcy and insolvency law in Poland.
European Regulation: seizing a debtor's assets
Dr. Leonard Szabó discusses the new European Regulation allowing for seizure of a debtor's assets.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.