Key Points
- Updated testing requirements for travelers entering Vietnam
- Removal of pre-entry rapid antigen testing requirement
On 28 Jan. 2022, the government of Vietnam updated its entry requirements for fully vaccinated and unvaccinated travelers. All travelers, regardless of vaccination status, will no longer be required to undergo rapid antigen testing prior to arrival in Vietnam. Instead, all travelers must present a negative RT-PCR or RT-LAMP test result taken within 72 hours of departure to Vietnam and fill out the health declaration form. For information on the entry requirements for vaccinated, unvaccinated, or partially vaccinated travelers, click here.
What are the Changes?
The government of Vietnam updated the entry testing requirements for all travelers on 28 Jan. 2022. Travelers will be required to present a negative RT-PCR or RT-LAMP test taken within 72 hours of departure to Vietnam. Previously, travelers were required to undergo rapid antigen testing prior to departure and upon arrival.
Looking Ahead
Continue to check the government of Vietnam's website and Envoy's website for additional updates and information.
Originally published 2 February, 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.