23 June 2020

How To Enter Into An Investment Agreement With Uzbekistan

Unicase Law Firm


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Unicase Law LLP is a firm with operations in the region of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz Republic for over 10 years, also it is considered as one of the leading firms according to leading rating agencies. The firm’s expert knowledge in law and top-notch client service are recommended for Kazakhstan by the leading international legal directories such as The Legal 500, Chambers and Partners, IFLR 1000, and Asialaw Profiles.
The Regulation on the procedure for concluding, changing, terminating and implementing investment agreements between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign...
Uzbekistan Finance and Banking
  • The Regulation on the procedure for concluding, changing, terminating and implementing investment agreements between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign investors has been adopted Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers No.264 dated April 30, 2020).

An investment agreement with the government is concluded, inter alia, to provide the investor with additional guarantees and support measures (benefits and preferences) in addition to those established by law. This can be a government guarantee, special customs, tax and payment regime, assistance in the implementation of projects, inclusion in the investment program, etc. But you cannot give the investor exclusive rights that create its dominant position in the market.

Originally published June 17, 2020.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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