The company, which was granted a Self-Regulatory Organisation (SRO) license last year by the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Barbados, is a fully regulated exchange that focuses exclusively on tokenised securities and is one of the first international stock exchanges in the world to do so.
Tokenise Stock Exchange is headquarted in London, UK and the launch of this website gives Barbados a greater opportunity to enhance its relations with the UK market, as well as further afield by raising the country's profile as a jurisdiction that can attract global investors who wish to trade tokenised assets using this platform.
Among the benefits to companies that list their traditional and new asset classes on the stock exchange's website include: a borderless network; one global order book which is accessible through multiple international access points; small tradeable lot sizes; huge flexibility and less hassle for micro investors; streamlined processes and frictionless market access for insurers and investors.
According to Chairman, Martin Graham, “Tokenisation of securities and other real-world assets will transform the accessibility and efficiency of capital markets. Removing inefficiencies, friction and barriers to participation will democratise the process of matching providers and consumers of risk capital. This, in turn, will increase the flow of funds and investment opportunities for market participants.”
The exchange will offer a full service suite for the issuing and listing of digital securities through their global network of regulated Corporate Advisers (Listing Sponsors) and licensed brokers. Among the list of corporate advisers who must first be appointed before investors can list on the Stock Exchange are law firm Dentons and DGM Financial Trust Corporation, both of which have operations in Barbados.
Originally published Invest Barbados, May 2020
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