28 November 2022

Legislative Update Report No. 2022-22 Le Bulletin d'actualités législatives

Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP


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Legislation for the period 11/10 to 11/23
Canada Government, Public Sector
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Legislation for the period 11/10 to 11/23

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Federal Government / Gouvernement fédéral

Bills / Projets de loi

House of Commons / Chambre des communes

Referenced on first reading only
C-33 An Act to amend the Customs Act, the Railway Safety Act, the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992, the Marine Transportation Security Act, the Canada Transportation Act and the Canada Marine Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act
C-281 An Act to amend the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act, the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act (Sergei Magnitsky Law), the Broadcasting Act and the Prohibiting Cluster Munitions Act

Regulations / Règlements

Canada Gazette, Part II, November 23, 2022:

Canada Labour Code

SOR/2022-228 Regulations Amending Certain Regulations Made Under the Canada Labour Code (Medical Leave with Pay)

Species at Risk Act

SOR/2022-235 Critical Habitat of the Black Redhorse (Moxostoma duquesnei) Order
SOR/2022-236 Critical Habitat of the Pugnose Minnow (Opsopoeodus emiliae) Order

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

SOR/2022-232 Order 2022-87-10-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List
SOR/2022-234 Order 2022-105-01-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List
SOR/2022-233 Order 2022-112-10-01 Amending the Domestic Substances List

Food and Drugs Act

SOR/2022-168 Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Nutrition Symbols, Other Labelling Provisions, Vitamin D and Hydrogenated Fats or Oils)

Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1

SOR/2022-230 Regulations Repealing the Great Lakes Pilotage Tariff Regulations (Miscellaneous Program)

Special Economic Measures Act

SOR/2022-227 Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Permit Authorization Order
SOR/2022-226 Special Economic Measures (Haiti) Regulations
SOR/2022-239 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Iran) Regulations
SOR/2022-238 Regulations Amending the Special Economic Measures (Russia) Regulations

United Nations Act

SOR/2022-237 Regulations Implementing the United Nations Resolution on Haiti

Canada Shipping Act, 2001

SOR/2022-229 Regulations Amending the Vessel Fire Safety Regulations

Proposed Regulations / Projets de règlement

Canada Gazette, Part I, November 12, 2022:

Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

  • Nuclear Security Regulations, 2023

Proclamations / Proclamations

Orders In Council

Budget Implementation Act, 2021, No. 1, SC 2021, c 23

  • Subsection 307‍(2) and sections 323 and 336 in force December 18, 2022 (PC 2022-1218)

Budget Implementation Act, 2022, No. 1, SC 2022 c 10

  • Division 16 of Part 5 in force December 30, 2022 (PC 2022-1219)

Royal Assents / Sanctions royales

November 17, 2022

  • Bill C-5, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act — Chapter No. 15
  • Bill C-31, Cost of Living Relief Act, No. 2 (Targeted Support for Households) — Chapter No. 14

Notices / Avis

Canada Gazette, Part I, November 19, 2022:

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

  • Notice of intent to amend the Domestic Substances List under subsection 87(3) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 to indicate that subsection 81(3) of that Act applies to the substance [1,1'-biphenyl]-2-ol, sodium salt, also known as sodium ortho-phenylphenate (SOPP)
  • Order 2022-87-10-02 Amending the Non-domestic Substances List
  • Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 Publication of results of investigations and recommendations for a substance — [1,1'-biphenyl]-2-ol, sodium salt (sodium ortho-phenylphenate, SOPP), CAS RN 132-27-4 — specified on the Domestic Substances List (paragraphs 68(b) and (c) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

Radiocommunication Act

  • Notice No. SMSE-010-22 — Release of ICES-004, issue 5

Miscellaneous Notices / Avis divers

Canada Gazette, Part I, November 19, 2022:

  • Odyssey Trust Company — Designated offices for the service of enforcement notices

Commissions / Commissions

Canada Gazette, Part I, November 12, 2022:

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act

  • Notice Amending the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice

Canadian International Trade Tribunal

  • Determination — Professional, administrative and management support services
  • Expiry review of finding — Carbon and alloy steel line pipe
  • Finding — Certain mattresses

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Decisions
  • Notices of consultation
  • Orders
  • Part 1 applications

Canada Gazette, Part I, November 19, 2022:

Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission

  • Administrative decisions
  • Decisions

Alberta / Alberta

  • No entries for this issue

British Columbia / Colombie-Britannique

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
43 Housing Supply Act
44 Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act, 2022

Regulations / Règlements

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, November 15, 2022:

Mineral Tenure Act

BC Reg 218/2022 Amends BC Reg 71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation
BC Reg 219/2022 Amends BC Reg 71/2010 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Mineral Claim Registrations) Regulation

Property Law Act

BC Reg 220/2022 Amends BC Reg 175/2022

Property Law Amendment Act, 2022

BC Reg 220/2022 Amends BC Reg 175/2022

Real Estate Services Act

BC Reg 220/2022 Amends BC Reg 176/2022
BC Reg 221/2022 Amends BC Reg 209/2021 — Real Estate Services Rules

British Columbia Regulations Bulletin, November 22, 2022:

Income Tax Act

BC Reg 225/2022 Amends BC Reg 135/2008 — Climate Action Tax Credit Regulation

Mineral Tenure Act

BC Reg 226/2022 Amends BC Reg 397/2012 — Mineral Land Reserve (No Placer Claim Registrations) Regulation

Securities Act

BC Reg 222/2022

Amends BC Regs
378/96 — National Instrument 13—101 System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR)
108/2004 — National Instrument 45—102 Resale of Securities
227/2009 — National Instrument 45—106 Prospectus Exemptions

Utilities Commission Act

BC Reg 224/2022 Amends BC Reg 163/2021 — Direction to the British Columbia Utilities Commission Respecting the Customer Crisis Fund Program Enacts Direction to the British Columbia Utilities Commission Respecting Residential and Commercial Customer Account Credits

Workers Compensation Act

BC Reg 223/2022 Amends BC Reg 296/97 – Occupational Health and Safety Regulation

Manitoba / Manitoba

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
1 An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of Office — Formal Bill (not printed)
2 The Official Time Amendment Act
3 The Vital Statistics Amendment Act (Name Registration)
4 The Minimum Wage Adjustment Act, 2022 (Employment Standards Code Amended)

Regulations / Règlements

Manitoba Laws - Unconsolidated Regulations

The Mines and Minerals Act

Man Reg 133/2022 Lands Withdrawn from Prospecting Orders, amendment

New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
8 An Act to Amend the Elections Act
15 An Act Respecting Petroleum Products Pricing
16 An Act Respecting Local Governance Reform, 2022, no. 2
17 Disclosure to Protect Against Intimate Partner Violence Act
18 An Act to Amend the New Brunswick Museum Act
19 Fiduciaries Access to Digital Assets Act
20 Supported Decision-Making and Representation Act

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Attorney General – Acts and Regulations

Public Health Act

NB Reg 2022-75 NB Reg 2009-136, amendment

Occupational Health and Safety Act

NB Reg 2022-76 NB Reg 91-191, amendment

Notices / Avis

New Brunswick Royal Gazette, November 16, 2022:

Financial and Consumer Services Commission

Notice and Request for Comment

  • Publication of proposed Financial and Consumer Services Commission Rule CO-002 Procedure for Distribution of Disgorged Funds ("Local Rule 15-502").
  • Substance and Purpose of Proposed Rules and Proposed Amendments Local Rule 15-502

New Brunswick Royal Gazette, November 23, 2022:

Climate Change Act

  • Notice The Reporting and Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standard

Newfoundland and Labrador / Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
18 An Act Respecting the Health and Safety of Workers and the Compensation of Workers for Injuries Suffered in the Course of their Employment

Regulations / Règlements

Office of the Legislative Counsel – Annual Regulations

Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act

NLR 80/22 Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Regulations (Amendment)

Income Tax Act, 2000

NLR 81/22 Cost of Living Relief Regulations

Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest

  • No entries for this issue

Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ècosse

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
97 Social Safety Net Security Act
230 Provincial Lichen Act

Regulations / Règlements

Nova Scotia Royal Gazette, Part II, November 18, 2022:

Electricity Act

NS Reg 246/2022 Renewable Electricity Regulations — amendment

Petroleum Products Pricing Act

NS Reg 245/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 249/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices
NS Reg 250/2022 Prescribed Petroleum Products Prices

Nunavut / Nunavut

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
15 An Act to Amend the Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Act

Ontario / Ontario

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
15 An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act to create an offence of contravention causing death or serious bodily harm
21 An Act to amend the Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021 to provide spouses with the right to live together in a home
36 An Act to implement Budget measures and to enact and amend various statutes
39 An Act to amend the City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the Municipal Act, 2001 and to enact the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve Repeal Act, 2022
41 An Act to amend the Consumer Reporting Act and the Prevention of and Remedies for Human Trafficking Act, 2017 with respect to certain debts incurred in relation to human trafficking

Regulations / Règlements

City of Toronto Act, 2006

O Reg 529/22 Part VI.1 of the Act

Courts of Justice Act

O Reg 520/22 Rules of Civil Procedure, amending Reg 194 of RRO 1990
O Reg 521/22 Rules of the Small Claims Court, amending O Reg 258/98

Municipal Act, 2001

O Reg 530/22 Part VI.1 of the Act

Planning Act

O Reg 525/22 Zoning Order — Town of Collingwood, County of Simcoe

Proposed Regulations / Projets de règlement

Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021

November 15, 2022
Regulatory proposals under the Building Broadband Faster Act, 2021 (BBFA) — Comments by December 15, 2022

Employment Standards Act, 2000

November 21, 2022
Temporary Help Agencies and Recruiters Licensing Framework Consultations — Comments by December 6, 2022

Health Protection and Promotion Act

November 23, 2022
Rabies testing and vaccination requirements in the Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) — Comments by January 9, 2023

Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, RSO 1990, c P12

November 23, 2022
Proposed amendments to the Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act, to remove the prohibition on carbon sequestration ERO number019-6296 — Comments by January 9, 2023

Public Hospitals Act, 1990

November 23, 2022
Proposed amendment to Reg 965, s 31 under the Public Hospitals Act, 1990 to remove the regulatory requirement to conduct laboratory examinations of tissues removed during hip and knee replacement surgeries — Comments by January 9, 2023

Orders In Council

Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022, SO 2022, c 11

  • Schedule 6, subsections 3(1), (2), which amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, in force January 1, 2023 (OIC 1400/2022)
  • Schedule 6, subsection 3(3), which amends the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, in force August 31, 2023 (OIC 1400/2022)

Working for Workers Act, 2022, SO 2022, c 7

  • Schedule 3, section 1, which amends the Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act, 2006, in force November 21, 2022 (OIC 1433/2022)
  • Schedule 3, sections 3, 5, 7(3), which amend the Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act, 2006, in force March 31, 2023 (OIC 1433/2022)

Royal Assents

November 14, 2022

  • Bill 35, Keeping Students in Class Repeal Act, 2022 — Chapter No. 20

Notices / Avis

Ontario Gazette, November 12, 2022:

Ontario Securities Commission

  • OSC Rule 32-506 (Commodity Futures Act) Exemptions for International Dealers, Advisers and Sub-Advisers
  • Amendment to OSC Rule 91-502 Trades in Recognized Options

Prince Edward Island / Île-du-Prince-Édouard

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
85 An Act to Amend the Income Tax Act (No. 4)
86 An Act to Amend the Plant Health Act
87 Residential Tenancy Act
127 Election Signage Act
128 An Act to Amend the Employment Standards Act (No. 4)

Regulations / Règlements

Prince Edward Island Royal Gazette, Part II, November 12, 2022:

Regulated Health Professions Act

EC2022-851 Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Regulations, amendment

Quebec / Québec


Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 16 novembre 2022:

Loi sur l'administration financière

Décret 1698-2022 Règlement modifiant divers règlements fixant des tarifs en contrepartie de certaines prestations d'organismes et d'établissements

Loi sur le bâtiment

Décret 1721-2022 Règlement modifiant le Règlement modifiant le Code de sécurité


Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, November 16, 2022:

Financial Administration Act

OC 1698-2022 Regulation amending various regulations setting fees for certain services provided by bodies and institutions

Building Act

OC 1721-2022 Regulation amending the Regulation to amend the Safety Code

Projets de Règlement

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 10 novembre 2022:

Loi sur la qualité de l'environnement

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur la déclaration obligatoire de certaines émissions de contaminants dans l'atmosphère

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 16 novembre 2022:

Code des professions

  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les activités professionnelles pouvant être exercées par des personnes autres que des infirmières et des infirmiers
  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les activités professionnelles qui peuvent être exercées par des externes en technologie médicale
  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur les activités professionnelles qui peuvent être exercées par des personnes autres que des inhalothérapeutes
  • Règlement modifiant le Règlement sur l'amorce et la modification d'une thérapie médicamenteuse, sur l'administration d'un médicament et sur la prescription de tests par un pharmacien
  • Règlement sur certaines activités professionnelles en matière de vaccination et de dépistage qui peuvent être exercées par des personnes autres que des infirmières et des infirmiers

Draft Regulations

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, November 10, 2022:

Environment Quality Act

  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting mandatory reporting of certain emissions of contaminants into the atmosphere

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, November 16, 2022:

Professional Code

  • Regulation respecting certain professional activities relating to vaccination and screening which may be performed by persons other than nurses
  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the initiation and modification of medication therapy, the administration of a medication and the prescription of tests by a pharmacist
  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by medical technology externs
  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the professional activities that may be engaged in by persons other than respiratory therapists
  • Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting the professional activities which may be performed by persons other than nurses

Ordres Ministériels

Gazette officielle du Québec, Partie 2, 23 novembre 2022:

Loi sur les valeurs mobilières

AM 2022-11 Règlement modifiant le Règlement 45-106 sur les dispenses de prospectus — Arrêté numéro V-1.1-2022-11 du ministre des Finances
AM 2022-12 Règlement modifiant le Règlement 45-102 sur la revente de titres — Order number V-1.1-2022-12 of the Minister of Finance
AM 2022-13 Règlement modifiant le Règlement 13-101 sur le Système électronique de données, d'analyse et de recherche (SEDAR) — Arrêté numéro V-1.1-2022-13 du ministre des Finances
AM 2022-14 Règlement modifiant le Règlement 31-103 sur les obligations et dispenses d'inscription et les obligations continues des personnes inscrites —Arrêté numéro V-1.1-2022-14 du ministre des Finances

Ministerial Orders

Gazette officielle du Québec, Part 2, November 23, 2022:

Securities Act

MO 2022-11 Regulation to amend Regulation 45-106 respecting Prospectus Exemptions — Order number V-1.1-2022-11 of the Minister of Finance
MO 2022-12 Regulation to amend Regulation 45-102 respecting Resale of Securities — Order number V-1.1-2022-12 of the Minister of Finance
MO 2022-13 Regulation to amend Regulation 13-101 respecting the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR) — Order number V-1.1-2022-13 of the Minister of Finance
MO 2022-14 Regulation to amend Regulation 31-103 respecting Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations — Order number V-1.1-2022-14 of the Minister of Finance

Saskatchewan / Saskatchewan

Bills / Projets de loi

Referenced on first reading only
98 An Act to amend The Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency Act and to make consequential amendments to The Wildfire Act
99 An Act to amend The Emergency 911 System Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
100 An Act to amend Certain Acts in order to Address Accretion in Certain Circumstances
101 An Act to amend The Child and Family Services Act and to make a consequential amendment to The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
102 An Act to amend The Constitutional Questions Act, 2012
103 An Act respecting Accessibility in Saskatchewan
104 An Act to amend The Local Improvements Act, 1993
105 An Act to amend The Local Government Election Act, 2015
106 An Act to amend The Police Act, 1990
107 An Act respecting Provincial Protective Services and making related amendments to The Court Security Act
108 An Act to amend The Pension Benefits Act, 1992

Regulations / Règlements

Saskatchewan Gazette, Part II, November 10, 2022:

The Financial Administration Act, 1993

Sask Reg 82/2022 The Oil and Gas Processing Investment Incentive Amendment Regulations, 2022
Sask Reg 83/2022 The Petroleum Innovation Incentive Amendment Regulations, 2022

The Securities Act, 1988

Sask Reg 84/2022 The Securities Commission (Adoption of National Instruments) (NI 94-102) Amendment Regulations, 2022

Yukon / Yukon

Regulations / Règlements

Yukon Gazette, Part II, November 15, 2022:

Health Act, Health Care Insurance Plan Act, Hospital Act, Public Health and Safety Act, Travel for Medical Treatment Act and Vital Statistics Act

YOIC 2022/166 Regulation to amend Various Regulations (Registered Midwives) 2022

Health Care Insurance Plan Act

YOIC 2022/167 Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan Regulations (2022)

Judicature Act

YOIC 2022/168 Rules of Court
YOIC 2009/65, repeal

Assessment and Taxation Act and the Municipal Act

YOIC 2022/170 Better Buildings (Energy-Efficiency Retrofit) Local Improvement Tax Regulation

Proclamations / Proclamations

Yukon Gazette, Part I, November 15, 2022:

Act to amend the Assessment and Taxation Act and the Municipal Act (2021), SY 2022, c 2

  • Act in force October 20, 2022 (OIC 2022/169)

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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