16 March 2022

Checklist for real estate agents – dealing with a lawyer or conveyancer on a residential property sale in NSW

Stacks Law Firm


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For a residential property sale to go smoothly, real estate agents need to provide complete and accurate information.
Australia Real Estate and Construction

For a residential property sale to go as smoothly as possible for all parties, it is helpful for real estate agents to provide complete and accurate information to the lawyer (solicitor) or conveyancer who is handling the transaction. This article outlines some of these items.

Sales process for residential property

There is a normal sales process for a residential property, which is outlined below. However, sometimes, through mutual agreement between the buyer and seller, certain steps and conditions in the process will be different.

It is important that the real estate agent provides such information - as well as all the other details of the sale - accurately to the lawyer or conveyancer to ensure the process can proceed as efficiently as possible.

The real estate agent normally negotiates the deal between the buyer (purchaser) and the seller (vendor), and then provides information to the lawyer or conveyancer to fine tune the details in the contract.

The contract is then sent to both the buyer and the seller to be dated and signed, meaning the contracts are "exchanged". This is when the contract officially comes into existence and the settlement date is set.

It is before the exchange that the buyer pays the deposit, which is put into a trust account by the agent, or in some cases into the lawyer's trust account, until settlement.

Settlement generally happens six weeks after the date of exchange, although different periods can be negotiated. On settlement, the deposit is released to the seller and the agent gets their commission.

The process is different if the property is purchased at an auction. At auction, subject to the reserve price being met, the highest bidder signs the contract and pays the deposit immediately.

Important information real estate agents should provide

For the exchange to happen as smoothly as possible, it helps if all of the correct information is provided to the lawyer or conveyancer from the outset. A diligently drafted Sales Advice can certainly expedite the process.

The more accurate the information is upfront, the better, as it avoids problems and delays in the exchange.

In some situations, contracts are exchanged by the agent. Be forewarned, if the wrong information is entered in the contract - such as an incorrectly spelt name or purchaser entity - the contract may need to be rescinded.

Although some of the information required below may seem self-explanatory, small mistakes or omissions can make a big difference to the process.

These are some of the common problems we encounter.

  1. The parties' full names and addresses

Do we have both parties' full names and addresses, and are they correct? This may seem like very basic information, however missing or wrong information results in time being spent by the lawyer or conveyancer chasing up the correct details, which can slow things down considerably. Or, as mentioned earlier, in the worst case it can result in the contract being rescinded.

Another consideration is whether the parties are purchasing or selling the property in their own name, or a company name or a super fund. It is important the correct name is entered into the contract. If a trustee of a trust or superfund is purchasing, the full name(s) of the individual(s) trustee (s) or company trustee must also be provided.

  1. When is the settlement date?

While the settlement date will often be after the standard period of six weeks, it is important that the real estate agent checks this with the parties, that they both agree on the date for completion and that they supply that information in the sales advice to the lawyer or conveyancer.

  1. Payment of deposit - when and how?

The deposit is paid prior to, or on the day that contracts are exchanged. This needs to be specified - when is the deposit payable, and also, how? While the deposit is often paid in a lump sum, sometimes it will be paid in instalments.

  1. Conditions to be included in the contract

Are there any other conditions that need to be included in the contract? For example, is the sale subject to early access to the premises, and if so, is rent payable?

  1. Items to be included in the sale

All items included and not included in the sale should be listed. For example, is it a standalone house or does it have a separate shed/garage? Does it have blinds, and if so, are they staying there? Does it have flyscreens or a clothesline, and so on.

The current legal contract for sale and purchase of land 2019 edition, which is available from the Law Society of NSW, contains a checklist of standard inclusions.

This can be a good starting point for compiling the list of items. Real estate agents can then add anything else that is missing.

Other things for real estate agents to consider

Finally, it is very important for the agent that they ensure they have a signed agency agreement, and a warning statement. This must be completed and signed to ensure the agent receives their commission.


Checklist for real estate agents

Agency Agreement and warning statement

  • Have the parties signed and dated the relevant Agency Agreement?
  • If you are acting for the buyer, has a copy of this agreement been supplied to the seller's lawyer or conveyancer?

Do you have a contract to be able to market the property for sale? Is it complete?

  • For example, if the property has a swimming pool, has the pool's compliance/non-compliance certificate been included?
  • Is the relevant planning certificate up to date?

Items included in sale

  • Are all items to be included in the sale listed on the front page of the contract? Or in an inventory attached to the contract?
  • Are there any particular items to be excluded from the sale?

Will exchange be conditional (agent exchange) or unconditional?

  • Do additional "sale notes" apply to this transaction, such as it being subject to pest and building inspections, finance approval or the sale of the purchaser's property?
  • Agents who exchange contracts should have been given the written authority to do so by both parties.

Full names and addresses

  • Are all parties to the contract specified? Are all middle names included? Are all names spelt correctly?
  • Is the purchase by a company? If so, what is the Australian Company Number (ACN)?
  • Is the purchase by a super fund or trust? Is the full name of the trustee(s) of the super fund or trust specified?


  • When is it being paid?
  • How much is being paid?
  • Is it being paid in a lump sum or in instalments?
  • Have you provided the buyer with the agency's trust account details?
  • Have you notified the buyer and the seller's solicitor or conveyancer of the amount(s) paid by the buyer?

Additional or special conditions in the contract

  • Are the parties aware of their contractual obligations? Such as release of deposit clauses, land tax or GST requirements?
  • If not, it may be prudent to have them consult their lawyer or conveyancer before exchanging contracts.

Settlement date

  • Is the settlement date on the contract suitable to both parties?
  • If not, has any different settlement date been communicated to the lawyers or conveyancers on both sides?

Final inspection

  • Have you organised a suitable date and time for the buyer to conduct a final inspection?


  • Have arrangements been made to transfer keys, remote controls et cetera to the new owners on the day of settlement?
  • Has the deposit money, less commission, been transferred to the seller?

Nathan Stack
David Crossan
Buying a house
Stacks Law Firm

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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