On 18 April 2017, the FCA published the following corporate documents; its mission statement, its sector views, its Business Plan for 2017/18, and a feedback statement (FS17/1) to its consultation on the FCA's mission for 2017. Together, these documents give firms and consumers greater clarity as to how the FCA reaches regulatory judgments and operates.

The mission document provides a detailed explanation of how the FCA prioritises its interventions in financial markets and how it interprets its competition duties. The sector views set out the issues and developments the FCA sees in the sectors that it regulates. The feedback statement summarises the key responses to its consultation on its mission for 2017 and outlines how the FCA plans to address them, including in relation to difficulties in navigating and interpreting the FCA Handbook, which can create uncertainty as to the Handbook's requirements.

The full text of the documents is available at:

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