On November 5, 2015, the European Securities and Markets Authority published a consultation paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards for Indirect Clearing Arrangements relating to OTC derivatives under the European Market Infrastructure Regulation and on Exchange-Traded Derivatives under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation. Indirect clearing is a situation where a person accesses clearing through two or more layers of intermediation, i.e. both a clearing member and another intermediary such as a regional bank or affiliate. The draft RTS on ICAs developed under MiFIR included rules for ETDs and a separate RTS under EMIR applies to OTC derivatives. A draft new RTS under EMIR is proposed. Both RTS aim to resolve well-known market difficulties resulting from the incompatibility of existing RTS with insolvency laws and current market practice. There are proposals for persons using indirect clearing to have a choice of separate net margined or gross margined accounts at clearing house level. The requirements for "leapfrog" payments to be made by clearing members, bypassing insolvent intermediaries, are to be watered down considerably, due to concerns around conflicts with insolvency laws. New proposals are made for chains involving more than one intermediary. Both sets of draft RTS are included in the annexes of the consultation paper. Following the consultation period and any changes resulting from it, ESMA would submit new RTS to the European Commission. Comments are due by December 27, 2015.

The consultation paper is available at: http://www.esma.europa.eu/consultation/Consultation-paper-indirect-clearing-under-EMIR-and-MiFIR.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.