After the obvious, make and execute on investment recommendations, some are at a loss for what to do next. From my perspective, it is the next step that may mean the difference from having a career without customer complaints to one with them.

The key to survival in this competitive industry is to have a constant line of communication open with your customers. For one, you should have at least one face to face meeting with each of your clients every year.

The next thing you should do is to have some contact with your clients on at least a quarterly basis. With all of the technology available, there is just no excuse not to be in contact with your customers. Email, text or, for heaven's sake, call your clients. Any time you have contact, that may be an opportunity to get more assets under management.

Most importantly, when a client reaches out to you, get back to that client no later than 24 hours after the client contacts you. It is easy to blow off those high maintenance clients, but those are also the ones most likely to make complaints.

By simply returning calls or emails expeditiously, you can avoid small issues bubbling into a major issue, written complaint, or worse, a lawsuit.

If you take away one thing form this post, remember you are in the customer service business. Give service. Get customers. Don't give service. Get sued. Choice is yours.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.