The Court of Common Pleas recently adopted Standards For Attorneys' Professionalism And Civility In A Courtroom Setting (a copy can be found here).  The Standards are a complement to the Delaware Principles of Professionalism for Delaware Attorneys.  The Standards are intended to foster a level of civility and professionalism.

The standards are offered because civility in the practice of law promotes both the effectiveness and the enjoyment of the practice of client representation. The legal profession must strive to uphold the honor and dignity of the profession to elevate and enhance our service to justice. Uncivil or unprofessional conduct not only disserves the individual involved, it demeans the profession as a whole and our system of justice.

The Standards offer the following Special Rules Of Courtroom Decorum:

  •  An attorney should rise before addressing the Court.
  • An attorney should wait until the Judge or Commissioner has finished speaking before speaking.
  • An attorney shall address all remarks to the Court and not to opposing counsel or the opposing party.
  • An attorney should always introduce himself/herself at the time of first interaction with the Court.
  • An attorney should not leave the courtroom or turn his/her back to the Court when a recess is declared until the Judge or Commissioner has left the courtroom.
  • If an attorney expects to be late because of another court commitment, he/she should so inform the affected Judge, Commissioner or court staff as soon as practical.
  • An attorney shall seek the Court's permission before approaching the bench.
  • As Court staff are an integral part of the justice system, attorneys should treat staff with courtesy and respect at all times.
  • An attorney will be considerate of the time constraints and pressures on the Court and Court staff in their efforts to administer justice.
  • An attorney should always face the bench while addressing the Court.
  • An attorney should begin with "May it please the Court" when making oral arguments, opening statements and closing arguments.
  • An attorney should not eat, chew gum or bring beverages (other than water provided by the Court) in a courtroom and should similarly advise witnesses.
  • An attorney should avoid inappropriate humor and gestures.

Attorneys appearing in any Delaware Court should take some time to review the Standards.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.