Back in the day of the horse and buggy, we used these for depositions.

A deposition is a tool that lawyers use to get information from witnesses or from the other side. It's one of the most effective tools the lawyers have, both to find out what has really gone on and to discover what kind of a witness their client and the other side will be. It's a formal procedure through which every word spoken is taken down by a court stenographer and can be used at a hearing or at a trial. Depositions can be taken over the telephone, out of state and via video as well as at your attorney's office. Depositions are expensive, they require a lot of legal preparation as well as the time questioning the witness.

It is a part of the divorce process that needs to be taken seriously, but which can be made less stressful by the tips my talented colleague Ron Barriere will be posting next.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.