As flagged in its Enforcement Priorities for 2015, the Central Bank of Ireland (the "Central Bank") has commenced a process of themed inspections with regards to cyber-security readiness. Those who have not yet been subject to such an inspection should bear the questions raised by the Central Bank in mind. They should also ensure that they are able to answer such questions should they be the subject of such a Central Bank themed inspection.

We have set out below the list of questions which the Central Bank raised in certain of its themed inspections with regards to cybersecurity at Appendix 1. As a general comment the Central Bank's questions relate to the processes, controls and risk mitigants that such firms should have in place in order to minimise the risks attaching to cyber-security.

To view the full report please click here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.