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Norton Rose Fulbright
Trade credit insurances play a vital part in corporate finance in the German market. Yet the important role of credit insurers in restructuring scenarios is underestimated by many companies and their advisors.
Leidet die Autoversicherung an "late Covid"? Während der lange Covid-Lockdown noch vor kurzem die Schadenfrequenzen in der Autoversicherung in ungeahnte Tiefen und die Gewinne...
German insurers have historically been conservative investors that are highly exposed to fixed-income investments.
Holistic digital ID Management can reduce costs, improve customer experiences, help comply with regulatory requirements and minimize the risk of cyberattacks. It really matters.
Regulatory gaps in Digital ID Management can lead to high costs for insurers and banks
Prager Dreifuss
Der vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit der materiell- und prozessrechtlichen Rechtsstellung des Geschädigten, wenn dieser (z.B. aufgrund eines zahlungsunfähigen Schädigers) gegen den...
Oppenhoff & Partner
The OLG Frankfurt am Main has ordered an insurance broker to pay damages due to inadequate clarification of coverage exclusions in an accident insurance policy.
Oppenhoff & Partner
The Administrative Court [Verwaltungsgericht, VG] of Magdeburg has ruled that the subsequent conclusion of a professional liability insurance in order to obtain uninterrupted insurance coverage does not meet the...
Heuking Kuehn Lueer Wojtek PartGmbB
The COVID-19 virus (commonly known as the "coronavirus") is affecting companies' commercial activities around the world, with particular impact on supply chains and employment and insurance law.
Heuking Kuehn Lueer Wojtek PartGmbB
The coronavirus is currently causing a lot of uproar. Many companies are reviewing their risks in case of infection or are trying to mitigate damage caused by canceled events and trade shows.
Consultation of the draft on the interpretation and application of the Money Laundering Act (Geldwäschegesetz - GwG) – Special Section for insurance undertakings as defined in § 2(1)...
Clyde & Co
What are the current trends in and future prospects for the insurance and reinsurance markets in your jurisdiction?
Clyde & Co
das Jahr neigt sich mit schnellen Schritten dem Ende entgegen, und auch im letzten Quartal hat sich wieder viel getan. Wir blicken zunächst auf eine dicht gepackte und
SKW Schwarz
On June 6, 2019 (to the Article), we reported on the certificate of incapacity for work via WhatsApp.
Clyde & Co
Das Oberlandesgericht München hat in einem bisher unveröffentlichten Hinweisbeschluss die Rechtsauffassung des Oberlandesgerichts Celle...
Clyde & Co
Cyber risks affect all industries, markets and companies and therefore basically have an impact on all lines of insurance.
On July 22, 2019, the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published a discussion paper on methodological principles of insurance stress testing (the Discussion Paper)
InsuranceTechs, or InsurTechs for short, have been playing an increasingly prominent role within the insurance sector in recent years.
Mayer Brown
Die Geschäftsführerhaftung nach deutschem Recht zählt weltweit mit zu den schärfsten Haftungsregimen.
Bardehle Pagenberg
The invention in this appeal case is a classic example of a mixed-type invention with both technical (a computer, a database and a user interface) and non-technical features ...
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