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Taylor Wessing
Sustainability continues to be in the spotlight. In March 2022 the European Commission proposed a directive to amend the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive (2005/29/EC) ("UCPD")...
Rahman Ravelli Solicitors
Angelika Hellweger of Rahman Ravelli considers the case and campaigners' efforts to challenge businesses making false environmental statements.
Loyens & Loeff
In order to meet the commitments under the Paris Climate Agreement, the EU legislator has amongst other things introduced the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
TMF Group BV
The emergence of ESG as a driving force of business and finance in recent years has created new demands on companies, investors and regulators alike.
BVDV Advocaten & Fiscalisten
Het korte antwoord is: alleen als je ook concreet kunt uitleggen en aantonen waarom iets dan precies duurzaam is. Anders is het misleidend.
BVDV Advocaten & Fiscalisten
While the Climate Summit in Glasgow is ongoing, the news channels and legal journals are flooding with news around climate change and sustainability.
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP
In a statement released on May 3, 2023, the Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development called for companies in the fast-moving consumer goods and grocery retail sectors to reduce their dependence on single-use plastic packaging.
Fruytier Lawyers in Business
Dat van ondernemingen verantwoordelijkheid voor klimaat en milieu wordt geëist is niet nieuw.
Ten Holter Noordam Advocaten
Met de definitieve komst van de Omgevingswet (Ow) op 1 januari 2024, komt het inrichtingenbegrip te vervallen.
NewGround Law B.V.
Advocate General Juliane Kokott, in a case regarding a French citizen suing the state over rising air pollution, has stated that national governments may be liable if air pollution levels
NewGround Law B.V.
At NewGround Law, we recognise the importance of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), both to our firm and our clients. We are not the only ones who think this. The values and principles
NewGround Law B.V.
Erwin Noordover en Rieneke Jager schreven het artikel Regulering van milieueffecten van windturbines, nu en onder de Omgevingswet.
NewGround Law B.V.
Jaafar Massali en Pieter van der Woerd van NewGround Law bespreken het meest recente uitstel van de inwerkingtreding van de Omgevingswet.
European Union
Novagraaf Group
Onderhandelaars van het Europees Parlement en de Raad van de EU hebben een politiek akkoord bereikt over de aanpassing van de regelgeving inzake de EU-geografische aanduidingen...
ACG International
No one has failed to notice that at your coffee-to-go you have to pay extra for the disposable cup for which you did not have to pay anything extra until 1 July last.
Loyens & Loeff
As discussed in our previous blog, the EU legislator believes immediate action is needed to address global environmental challenges. To incentivise the financial services sector to mobilise capital...
Criminalization at the EU level seems to be used more and more often (and more comprehensively) in response to (major) issues.
TMF Group BV
La aparición en los últimos años de los criterios ESG (medio ambiente, responsabilidad social y gobierno corporativo) como motor de los negocios y las finanzas ha creado nuevas exigencias tanto para las empresas como para los inversores y los reguladores.
TMF Group BV
O surgimento dos critérios de ESG como fator impulsionador dos negócios e finanças nos últimos anos gerou novas demandas para empresas, investidores e reguladores.
Novagraaf Group
Le groupe IP5, constitué des cinq plus grands offices de propriété intellectuelle dans le monde : l'USPTO (Etats-Unis), l'OEB (Europe), le CNIPA (Chine), le JPO (Japon) et le KIPO (Corée du Sud)...
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