As of 29 October 2012, the domain name ".中妣8250;" (i.e. China in Chinese characters) is available for separate public registration with Latin alphabets, Arabic numerals, a combination of the two and/or inserting a hyphen. This was announced by the China Internet Network Information Centre ("CNNIC"), China's national internet network information administrator. Prior to the announcement, only "Chinese characters.中妣8250;" could be registered with CNNIC and ".中妣8250;" could not be separately registered as it always had to be registered together with the domain name ".CN".

Currently available China related domain names include the following:

If you are active in China, we recommend that you register the China related domain names that you consider relevant to your business in order to avoid those domain names being taken by other parties. We are available to assist you with this and related trademark registrations

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.