Ontario's prompt payment and adjudication regimes are now in effect, which means that industry participants, during this time of transition, now have to navigate between three alternative versions of Ontario's Construction Act to determine which version governs their improvement or contract.

Based on feedback from our clients, and further to our successful Payment Date Calculator, we have developed another free and easy-to-use online tool to help you deconstruct the transition provisions. Answer some quick questions about your improvement or contract, and our tool will provide you with a packaged PDF of the applicable version of the Act together with the associated regulations, for future reference throughout the life of your contract.

Be sure to read more on understanding the transition provisions before trying out the tool.

Access the Transitions Deconstructed tool

Beyond our tool box, Osler has developed other service offerings to smoothen the transition process for our clients, such as cost-effective construction contract review services, a wide range of adjudication support services, and best practices training and customizing a playbook for your organization to meet the demanding payment and adjudication timelines

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.