In April 2013 Safe Work Australia released a report entitled "The Incidence of Accepted Workers' Compensation Claims for Mental Stress in Australia."

The data in the report is based on claims made by workers in workers' compensation schemes who were successful in receiving compensation.

As we all know, factors leading to stress and even high levels of stress include workplace pressures, demands, goals, targets, workloads and relationships. However, stress can also be caused by many factors away from work, including personal finances, personality or disposition factors or traits, physical health and personal life circumstances and issues. In addition, stress may result from a combination of work caused and non-work caused factors.

Also, one individual may view a task, incident or event as stressful while another person views the same task as a positive challenge.

The major findings of the report include :

  • Stress claims are the most expensive form of workers' compensation claim for employers due to employees being absent for long periods of time;
  • Stress claims affect employees, employers and the Australian economy resulting in decreased productivity;
  • Men and women are more likely to make a claim for stress as they get older, but after they reach 54 years they are less likely to make a claim;
  • Over the period 2008-2011, around two thirds of all stress claims were from 5 industry groups being health and community services, education, personal and other services, government administration and defence, and retail trade;
  • Not all workers with mental stress apply for, or succeed in receiving, compensation;
  • More professionals made claims for mental stress than any other occupation; and
  • Unresolved stress experienced for long periods of time can lead to depression, anxiety, burnout and cardiovascular disease.

The report makes very interesting reading for those of us who work in the field of workers' compensation and a copy of the Safe Work Australia report is available via the link here.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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