4 February 2025

Background Check

KPMG Türkiye


KPMG is a global network of independent member firms offering audit, tax and advisory services. The firms work closely with clients, helping them to mitigate risks and grasp opportunities. KPMG member firms can be found in 143 countries and territories. Collectively they employ more than 270,000 people across a range of disciplines. KPMG Türkiye, founded in 1982, operates across 5 cities including Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa and Adana, with more than 1,700 professionals. With over four decades of expertise, KPMG Türkiye provides Tax, Audit, Consulting and Deal Advisory services to over 6000 clients.
A background check is a corporate intelligence process used to verify the information candidates provide during recruitment.
Turkey Employment and HR

What is a Background Check?

A background check is a corporate intelligence process used to verify the information candidates provide during recruitment. In addition to testing the accuracy of the information provided, research is also being conducted to see if there is any negative information that has not been disclosed. This process can be conducted by the hiring company or outsourced to a specialized provider.

There is no legal obligation to perform background checks during recruitment or before establishing an employment relationship, aside from certain legal exceptions . While consent is not required when the sources used for the background check are publicly accessible, some aspects of the process may require written consent from the individual being checked. Therefore, it is important to follow the procedures when conducting a background check and to protect the privacy of the individual's personal information.

Purpose of Background Checks and Commonly Applied Steps

As a standard practice, most employers contact previous employers and reference lists to confirm applicant's work history and suitability for the position. However, more comprehensive background checks, particularly for senior leadership roles, are common in both public and private sectors. These checks not only assess a candidate's fitness for the position but also ensure that business relations are conducted fairly and securely, protecting the company's reputation and culture as well as mitigating potential risks related to misconduct and conflicts of interest.

Pre-employment background checks play a critical role in obtaining accurate information to assess a candidate's suitability and to identify potential risk factors. Although the steps in a background check may vary depending on the nature of the role and the company's industry, the process typically includes the following:

➣ Work History

Verification of the candidate's employment history through references and official records

➣ Work Permit and Licenses

Checking documents and licenses to ensure the candidate is legally authorized to work

➣ Educational Background

Confirmation of the candidate's education by verifying diplomas and certifications

➣ Criminal Record

Reviewing the candidate's criminal history

➣ Social Media Usage:

Examination of the candidate's content and behavior on social media platforms

➣ Medical History

Assessment of the candidate's health status and medical history

➣ Financial Records

Examination of the candidate's financial status, credit history, and previous financial activities

Resources Available for Background Checks

The resources used for background checks are typically categorized into publicly available resources, and non-public sources. The accessibility and usage of these resources may vary by jurisdiction, industry regulations, and applicable privacy laws.

➣ Publicly Available Resources

These are information sources that anyone can access without special permission or authorization:

  • Public Record Databases
  • Business Registrations and Corporate Filings
  • Publicly Available Court Records
  • Bankruptcy Filings
  • Social Media
  • News Sources and Media Archives
  • Government Watch Lists
  • Other Publicly Available Internet-Based Resources

➣ Non-Public Sources

Non-public sources are not directly accessible to those conducting the background check without the individual's consent. Access to these resources usually requires the approval of the individual or the sharing of relevant documents, except in specific legal situations. Please note that in some cases some of the information below may not be provided even with the individual's consent without the individual being present at the time of the information request Some of the non-public sources/records can be listed as follows:

  • Detailed Court Records
  • Academic Records
  • Medical Records
  • Financial/Credit Records
  • Criminal Records
  • Previous Workplace References
  • Professional Licenses and Certificates

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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