12 February 2025

Croatia Tax Card 2025



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Personal income is divided in two categories and taxed accordingly...
Croatia Tax

I. Individuals

1.1 Personal Income Tax

Personal income is divided in two categories and taxed accordingly:

Annual Income: income from employment, independent profession and any other income that is considered as annual.

Final income: income from property and property rights, capital and insurance and other income considered as final.

1.1.1 Residency

An individual is resident when having a permanent residence in Croatia or when having a place of abode for more than 183 days in one or two tax years. Residents pay tax on their worldwide income. Non-residents pay tax only on Croatia source income.

1.1.2 Tax Rates

The rates of income tax depend on the source of the income and the county of residency and are taxed with lower rates ranging from 17% to 23,6% and higher rates ranging from 27% to 35,4%

A) Tax rate from employment income and second income (Annual basic non-taxable deduction: 6,720.00 EUR)


Annual Personal Income Tax rate is17% to 23,6% for tax base up to 60,000.00 EUR and 27% to 35,4% for a tax base over 60,000.00 EUR if the Local Self-Government Unit does not make a decision on the amount of the tax rate

B) Tax rate from income from property rights depends on income type:


C) Capital Income Tax depends on the type of the income source:


D) Income Tax from other income considered as final income:


Foreign pensions received by residents constitute taxable employment income for the recipient.

1.1.3 Exempt Income


1.2 Social Security Contributions

Croatian Social Security contributions consist of pension contribution calculated and deducted from the gross salary and a health and employment contribution calculated and paid on top of the gross salary. The following rates are valid from 01.01.2019.


1.3 Inheritance & Gift Taxes

A legal entity or natural person that receives or inherits the individual movable property as a gift with value of less than EUR 6,700.00 is tax exempted.

Individual movable property above the said amount, money, claims, securities and real estate regardless of its market value are taxed with 4% tax rate.

Spouse and descendants are tax exempted both for received gifts and inheritance regardless of type and value of the property received.

Tax base constitutes the amount of the cash or the market value of financial and other assets on the day when the tax liability is determined, after the deduction of debts and costs related to the assets on which the tax is being paid.

1.4 Tax of savings income

Personal income from interests on savings is taxed with 12% tax rate regardless of the savings amount.

The tax base is the amount received from interest rates on principal amount in one year.

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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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