Indian Updates
Chapter 27 – Mineral fuels, mineral oils and products of their distillation; bituminous substances; mineral waxes
Imposition of Quantitative Restrictions on import of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke (26 Dec)1
The Directorate General of Foreign Trade has placed import of Low Ash Metallurgical Coke under country-wise Quantitative Restrictions (QR) for a period of six months, with effect from 1 st January 2025 till 30th June 2025. This is based on the recommendations of the Directorate General of Trade Remedies vide Notification F. No. 22/4/2023-DGTR. The Quantitative Restrictions have been imposed for a period of 6 months.
Chapter 28 – Inorganic chemicals, organic or inorganic compounds of precious metals, of rare-earth metals, of radioactive elements or of isotopes
Initiation of anti-absorption investigation concerning anti-dumping duty on imports of Untreated Fumed Silica from China. (31 Dec)
The DGTR initiated an anti-absorption investigation concerning anti-dumping duty on imports of Untreated Fumed Silica from China and produced by Shandong Dongyue Silicone Material Co. Ltd., pursuant to an application filed by Cabot Sanmar Limited. The applicant has provided prima facie evidence of decline in price of imports from Shandong Dongyue Silicone Material Co. Ltd., despite increase in raw material and utility prices
Chapter 29 – Organic Chemicals
Final Findings issued in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Trichloro Isocyanuric Acid from China and Japan. (10 Dec)2
The DGTR issued final findings in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Trichloro Isocyanuric Acid from China and Japan. The Authority held that the landed price of imports was below the cost of sales of the domestic industry and such imports prevented price increases, which otherwise, would have occurred in absence of dumped imports. Despite significant capacities in India, the domestic industry was able to sell only a small share of its production in the domestic market, as the market was dominated by dumped imports of the product under consideration. The domestic industry suffered losses, cash losses and recorded a negative return on capital employed.
Termination of anti-dumping investigation into imports of Saccharin from China. (17 Dec)
Pursuant to the request filed by the domestic industry, Swati Petro Products and Blue Jet Healthcare Limited, the Authority has terminated the investigation initiated vide Notification no. 6/24/2023 – DGTR on 26th March 2024.
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation into imports of 4,4 Diamino Stilbene 2,2 Disulphonic Acid (DASDA) from China. (27 Dec)3
The DGTR initiated an anti-dumping investigation into imports of 4,4 Diamino Stilbene 2,2 Disulphoic Acid (DASDA) from China pursuant to an application filed by Deepak Nitrite Limited. The Authority noted that there was prima facie evidence with respect to injury suffered due to dumping of imports from the subject country. The subject imports were undercutting the prices of the domestic industry due to which the profitability of the domestic industry was adversely impacted.
Initiation of sunset review of anti-dumping duty on imports of Toluene DiIsocyanate (TDI) from EU and Saudi Arabia. (27 Dec)4
The DGTR initiated a sunset review of anti-dumping duty on imports of Toluene Di-Isocyanate (TDI) from EU and Saudi Arabia pursuant to an application filed by Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited, to examine the need for continuation of duties. The Authority prima facie noted that the domestic industry has suffered continued injury due to dumping in India. The imports are undercutting the prices of the domestic industry due to which it has suffered losses. There is prima facie evidence of likelihood of continuation or recurrence of dumping and consequent injury to the domestic industry. The anti-dumping duty was originally imposed on 2 nd December 2020.
Chapter 37 – Photographic or Cinematographic goods
Continuation of anti-dumping duty on imports of Digital Offset Printing Plates from China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. (26 Dec)
The Central Government on 26th December 2024 continued anti-dumping duty on imports of Digital Offset Printing Plates from China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam pursuant to recommendation made by DGTR vide Final Findings Notification No. 7/20/2023 – DGTR, dated 28th September 2024. The duty imposed is upto USD 0.77 per SQM.
Chapter 38 – Miscellaneous Chemical Products
Initiation of anti-subsidy investigation into imports of Calcium Carbonate Filler Masterbatch from Vietnam. (27 Dec)
The DGTR initiated an anti-subsidy investigation into imports of Calcium Carbonate Filler Masterbatch from Vietnam pursuant to an application filed by Compounds and Masterbatch Manufacturers Association of India and Masterbatch Manufacturers Association. The production of the member companies of the associations constitutes more than 90% of the total production of the product in India. The Authority noted that there is sufficient prima facie evidence that the domestic industry suffered material injury and there is a further threat of material injury due to imports of the subject goods from the subject country.
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation into imports of 2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,2- Dihydroquinoline (TDQ) from China. (27 Dec)5
The DGTR initiated an anti-dumping investigation into imports of 2,2,4- Trimethyl-1,2-Dihydroquinoline (TDQ) from China, pursuant to an application filed by NOCIL Limited. The Authority noted that there was prima facie evidence with respect to injury caused to the domestic industry due to alleged dumped imports. The Authority noted that price undercutting was positive, and imports were suppressing the prices of the domestic industry. As a result, the domestic industry suffered decline in profitability including cash losses and negative return on capital employed during the period of investigation.
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation into imports of Sulphenamides Accelerators from China, EU and USA. (31 Dec)6
The DGTR initiated an anti-dumping investigation into imports of Sulphenamides Accelerators from China, EU and USA, pursuant to an application filed by NOCIL Limited. The Authority noted that there was prima facie evidence of dumping, and positive price undercutting leading to adverse impact on the profitability parameters of the applicant.
Chapter 39 – Plastics and Articles thereof
Final Findings issued in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Poly Vinyl Chloride Paste Resin from China, Malaysia, Norway, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. (24 Dec)
The DGTR issued final findings in anti-dumping investigation into imports of Poly Vinyl Chloride Paste Resin from China, Malaysia, Norway, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. The Authority held that the volume of dumped imports from subject countries has increased in the period of investigation. The import prices are below the selling price of the domestic industry, due to which the domestic industry incurred financial losses, cash losses and recorded a negative return on capital employed.
Chapter 40 – Rubber and articles thereof
Final Findings issued in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Halobutyl Rubber from Japan, Russia, Singapore, UK, and USA. (28 Dec)7
The DGTR issued final findings in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Halobutyl Rubber from Japan, Russia, Singapore, UK, and USA. The Authority held that there is significant dumping of the subject goods from the subject countries which has materially retarded the establishment of the domestic industry in India. The domestic industry is unable to achieve its targeted performance due to dumping of subject goods in India, due to the cheaper imports in the market.
Chapter 54 - Man-made filaments; strip and the like of man-made textile materials
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation into imports of Nylon Filament Yarn from China and Vietnam. (26 Dec)8
The DGTR initiated an anti-dumping investigation into imports of Nylon Filament Yarn from China and Vietnam, pursuant to an application filed by Century Enka Limited, Gujarat Polyfilms Private Limited and Oriilon India Private Limited. The Authority noted that there was prima facie evidence establishing that the imports have caused material injury to the domestic industry. The domestic industry in an attempt to maintain its market share was forced to sell at losses to be able to compete with low-priced imports. The profitability of the domestic industry has been adversely impacted, due to dumping in India.
Chapter 70 – Glass and glassware
Imposition of provisional anti-dumping duty on imports of Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass from China and Vietnam. (04 Dec)
The Central Government on 4 th December 2024 imposed provisional antidumping duties on imports of Textured Tempered Coated and Uncoated Glass from China and Vietnam pursuant to recommendation made by DGTR vide Preliminary Findings Notification No. 6/29/2023 – DGTR, dated 5 th November 2024. The duty imposed is in the range of USD 565 per MT – USD 677 per MT.
Chapter 72 – Iron and Steel
Initiation of safeguard investigation into imports of Non-Alloy and Alloy Steel Flat Products into India. (19 Dec)
The DGTR has initiated a safeguard investigation into imports of Non-Alloy and Alloy Steel Flat Products into India pursuant to an application filed by Indian Steel Association on behalf of its members. The product under consideration includes Hot Rolled Coils, Sheets and Plates, Hot Rolled Plate Mill Plates, Cold Rolled Coils and Sheets, Metallic Coated Steel Coils and Sheets and Colour Coated Coils and Sheets. The Authority has noted that there is prima facie evidence of recent, sudden, sharp and significant increase in imports of the product causing serious injury to the domestic industry. The increase in imports was attributable to imposition of duty under Section 232 by USA, imposition of multiple trade remedial measures against imports of steel products, global overcapacities, and China's domestic policy leading to decline in consumption of long steel products used in real-estate sector.
Chapter 73 – Articles of Iron and Steel
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation into imports of Liquified Natural Gas Fuel Tank from China. (24 Dec)9
The DGTR initiated an anti-dumping investigation against imports of Liquified Natural Gas Fuel Tank from China, pursuant to an application filed by Inox India Limited. The Authority observed that there was prima facie evidence establishing that the product under consideration is being dumped in India by the exporters from the subject country. The volume of the subject goods from the subject country has increased and the cheaper price thereof prevented the domestic industry from increasing its price to recover its full cost.
Chapter 83 - Miscellaneous articles of base metal
Imposition of anti-dumping duty on imports of Telescopic Channel Drawer Slider from China. (18 Dec)
The Central Government on 18th December 2024 imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of Telescopic Channel Drawer Slider from China pursuant to recommendation made by DGTR vide Final Findings Notification No. 6/13/2023 – DGTR, dated 19th October 2024. The duty imposed on noncooperative producers is USD 422 per MT.
Chapter 85 - Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof; sound recorders and reproducers, and parts and accessories of such articles
Final Findings issued in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Soft Ferrite Cores from China. (23 Dec)
The DGTR issued final findings in the anti-dumping investigation into imports of Soft Ferrite Cores from China. The Authority noted that the domestic industry suffered material injury due to dumping of the product. The domestic industry was faced with a low market share and witnessed a deterioration in its profitability due to the presence of cheaper imports in the market.
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