30 May 2023

Creating Financial Accountability For Regulatory Failings

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP


Shepherd and Wedderburn is a leading, independent Scottish-headquartered UK law firm, with offices in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, London and Dublin. With a history stretching back to 1768, establishing long-standing relationships of trust, rooted in legal advice and client service of the highest quality, is our hallmark.
Businesses can be significantly affected by the behaviour of regulated utilities, such as those operating water or transport infrastructure, with failure of these infrastructures resulting in considerable costs for firms.
United Kingdom Antitrust/Competition Law

Businesses can be significantly affected by the behaviour of regulated utilities, such as those operating water or transport infrastructure, with failure of these infrastructures resulting in considerable costs for firms. In this article, our Regulatory Risk and Compliance team discusses the increased risk of private court actions against underperforming regulated utilities, spurred on by greater accessibility of collective actions.


Our Regulatory Risk and Compliance team (the RRC Team) discusses the increasing risk of private court actions against regulated utilities due to their under-performance. This comes in the context of an uptick in actions generally against utilities, spurred on by an increase in the accessibility of collective actions. Whether it be in relation to the water industry and the discharge of untreated sewage and wastewater into waterways or uncompetitive prices for residential landline services See Justin Le Patourel v BT Group PLC (case number 1381/7/7/21), a steady load of private cases against regulated entities is developing.

This is an evolving area, with some cases progressing through court while others are already gaining publicity even before they have started. The RRC Team will keep this article updated to reflect any developments and provide an insight into useful trends.

Private damages against regulated utilities

Businesses can be significantly affected by the behaviour of regulated utilities, such as those operating water or transport infrastructure. The underperformance of utilities can result in considerable costs for firms, users and wider communities, but remedial action has traditionally been viewed as a matter for the relevant regulators, e.g., via enforcement action. However, we are beginning to see private claims being brought against regulated utilities that run in parallel to their regulatory remedies.

Nature of the claims

Most of these claims will likely be brought under competition law but there are examples of claims in nuisance / trespass in England. We set out some examples of these cases below.

Competition claims

A case is currently being prepared that alleges an abuse of dominance on the part of water and sewage companies, stemming from systematic failures which have led to illegal sewage discharges and an increase in the quality adjusted charges to customers.

In light of these continuous breaches, it might be argued that there has been an excessively low quality of service due to an underinvestment in sewage networks. The argument would likely continue that this lack of investment has not been reflected in the companies' revenue cap, which envisages certain standards being met. The water / sewage companies have continued to charge in line with the revenue cap but have failed to meet its assumptions regarding quality of service which, therefore, leads to an increase in price relative to service levels that would be impossible without the presence of significant market power. For more detail on a possible abuse of dominance see here.

It is to be seen how the court responds to such arguments and there are many questions requiring answers. For example, being a standalone claim, the claimant is required to prove the existence of the abuse in the first place, which may be difficult as the water / sewage companies are likely to argue that there are legitimate commercial reasons for the reduction of investment into sewage networks, e.g., according to a study published by Ofwat and CCW in April 2022, customers prioritise the quality of drinking water over investment into sewage infrastructure meaning that investment decisions could be argued as reflecting customer choice.

Nuisance / trespass claims

An example of a claim in nuisance / trespass is The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd v United Utilities Water Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 852. Here, it was found that a sewage operator in England could not be subject to a nuisance claim relating to the unauthorised discharge of untreated water. This was because under section 18 of the Water Industry Act 1991, the only remedy available was regulatory enforcement. The case has been appealed to the UK Supreme Court and is currently awaiting judgment. Note that this restriction does not exist in Scotland, suggesting that nuisance claims against utilities may be possible.

This shows that barriers do exist that may slow the pace of private actions against regulated utilities. It also highlights a tension that is present as, ultimately, regulators are in place to ensure utilities perform to the expected standards and, if necessary, they have statutory powers to take remedial action. An increase of private claims could see utilities' liability extend beyond what was envisaged by the applicable regulatory regime.

How has the tension previously been handled?

This tension can be illustrated by discussing actions relating to an abuse of dominance by way of pricing behaviour, as regulated sectors often involve some degree of price / revenue control. As many of the competition claims against utilities allege unfair pricing, regulated utilities can argue that ex-post questions of their charges are inappropriate as they are already regulated ex-ante. In fact, in Flynn Pharma Ltd and Flynn Pharma (Holdings) Ltd v Competition and Markets Authority, Pfizer Inc and Pfizer Limited v Competition and Markets Authority [2018] CAT 11, the Competition Appeal Tribunal specifically noted that "price control is better left to sectoral regulators."

However, in C-280/08 P – Deutsche Telekom v Commission, the EU General Court (the General Court) found that ex-ante price control does not prevent a claim of abuse of dominance. The case involved Deutsche Telekom (DT) appealing a European Commission decision which found that DT had abused its dominant position by way of a "margin squeeze", i.e., where there is too narrow a margin between an integrated provider's price for selling essential inputs to a rival and its downstream price that the rival cannot survive or effectively compete.

German law (a) required DT to allow its competitors access to its network and (b) regulated the retail and wholesale prices that DT were allowed to charge. One of DT's defences was that it could not have abused its dominant position as its wholesale pricing was in line with the price controls.

The General Court disagreed, stating that "it is only where anticompetitive conduct is required of companies by national legislation, or if Member States create a legal framework which itself eliminates any possibility of competitive activity on the part of companies, that the EU competition rules do not apply." It is to be seen that, at least in EU law, the pricing behaviour of a regulated entity is still possible to constitute a breach of competition law where the regulation allows sufficient discretion to "decide" its conduct. This is relevant because, as set out above, many of the private actions brought against utilities in the UK will likely allege some sort of inappropriate pricing.

Collective actions in the UK

An important factor in the uptick of private claims against regulated utilities is the expansion of "collective" actions, i.e., where a class of individuals are represented as a group in a single action. Given the nature of the activities carried out by regulated utilities, it is likely that a cause of action will impact a large number of people, but the harm caused individually may be of low economic value. Traditionally, these cases have been economically unviable to bring against a well-resourced utility which is willing to defend the action.

Opt-out vs Opt-in

Different mechanisms have existed in England and Wales, and Scotland for some time which allowed parties to combine similar cases on an "opt-in" basis (e.g., joint claims and representative actions in England and Wales and the use of case management powers in Scotland). However, in 2015 the scope for collective actions was significantly widened in respect of competition claims as "opt-out" actions were introduced. This means an action can be brought on behalf of unnamed and unidentified claimants who will be treated as part of the action unless they have specifically requested otherwise.

Opt-out actions can be brought before the Competition Appeal Tribunal in respect of an infringement of competition law in England, Wales or Scotland.

Separately, Scotland now has a formal "opt-in" collective action procedure which was introduced in 2020 and applies to all forms of actions, not just competition claims. The Scottish Civil Justice Council has also stated that it is considering introducing an opt-out regime.

Collective actions have the potential to fundamentally alter the economics behind a claim and increase the risk to regulated utilities of a private action. This is because claims that were traditionally prohibitively expensive for individuals can now be started as a collective action and receive funding from a litigation funder, something that we are already seeing examples of.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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