Mark G. McCreary was featured in the Legaltech News article "6 Legal Tech Security and Privacy Moves You Need to Know." Full text can be found in the November 16, 2015, issue, but a synopsis is below.

Fox Rothschild's Chief Privacy Officer Mark McCreary was recently interviewed for his take on cybersecurity and the current state of how law firms are handling the rising issue.

Legaltech News: How seriously do you feel firms are taking cybersecurity? Are the firms taking security seriously doing enough about it and what's at stake for firms lagging behind?

Mark McCreary: I believe that many of the larger firms are taking cybersecurity very seriously. Those firms have clients that have demonstrated the importance of putting state-of-the-art systems and procedures in place, from both an industry and/or a regulatory need, or as a result of responding to an incident. The small and mid-tier firms, where the expenditure of capital and dedication of resources that is required is more material, are at much greater risk. Some of these firms are in a disastrous state. Others know that they must do more, but the leaders do not appreciate the risk and often will only deal with the issues in a reactive manner.

Click here to read the full interview

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.