Lori Armstrong Halber and Rick Grimaldi's article "Is Your Company Ready for a Union Ambush?" was featured in the Philadelphia Business Journal on April 15, 2015.

Starting this week, employers must contend with the National Labor Relations Board's final rule governing union representation-case procedures.

The NLRB would have the public believe this is merely a "procedures rule" that would merely speed up union elections. However, this more aptly named "Ambush Election Rule" is not simply renewed guidance or minor revisions to the way union elections are conducted. Rather, the new rule will result in sweeping changes to policies that have been in place for decades, including significantly shortening the period between the filing of a union petition and election to as little as ten (10) days and mandating that employers turn over the private contact information of its employees. Why should you care? Because unions make money solely through membership; to make more, they need more members and your employees are potential members. If you're not paying attention, it could be too late.

In the article, Lori and Rick provide advice to employers on how to better prepare themselves for a union ambush.

Lori and Rick recommend that employers ensure their policies and procedures are up to date and being enforced consistently – employees who believe they are treated fairly and have a voice are less likely to vote for a union. They also advise conducting a wage survey and make sure their compensation plan is in line with the market. Furthermore, employers should promote open communication with their employees and address their issues.

To read the full article, please visit Philadelphia Business Journal.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.