Michael K. Twersky was quoted in the Metro Philadelphia article, "When To Know if You Have a Defamation Case." Full text can be found in the March 31, 2014, issue, but a synopsis is noted below.

Whether it's spoken or written, making a defamatory statement can land people in a big legal mess.

"We all have an image we want to project to the world – and if the defendant has said something to harm that image, there's a lot of emotion wrapped up in that," says Michael Twersky. "Anything that affects the impression people have of you is very, very hard to recover from."

With social media providing a potential larger audience to see or hear defamatory statements, the potential harm caused could be much greater, says Twersky.

"The loss of a job, your best friend won't talk to you, your girlfriend broke up with you – those are significant harms. And if they can be proven to be tied to the defamatory statement, that increases the damages that could be awarded," he says.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.